Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jan. 8th, 2009

Today started early, it feels so good to feel good again!! I will update on how I am doing with my weight:) For those who do not know I had lap band surgery March 31st. in Mexcalli Mexico, Dr. Alberto Aceves did my surgery and he was wonderful and so was the hospital staff and the whole experience. I was totally unsure if I should do it but researched the Dr. and the place and decided to go for it and I am so thankful I did. I have lost 71 pounds and have a lot more to go but I am past the half way mark!!! YEA!!! Lap band does help with the amount of food you eat, although if you wanted to and I can not even begin to think why you would, you can eat a lot of Small fattening meals and not lose weight. But I eat three a day and usually for breakfast I have slim fast then lunch salad or soup or something nutritional, then dinner is light and low fat. I have totally quit all carbonated drinks and try not to eat any sugar or salt. I sometimes have a little piece of candy or something sweet but it is not a habit just ever so often:) I can eat anything I want but in small bites and chew, chew, chew!! Steak has to be tender or it takes too long to chew it and I do not think it is worth the time spent I cannot even believe I said that!! I have not had any problems and try to follow eating healthy foods, nothing taste as good as skinny feels:)) not there yet but I am well on my way!! I also enjoy walking, and working out at the Sherwood ctr., I have been off my routine since I had surgery for my gall bladder but ready to start back up, so my flabby skin will not hang to my toes:) That's the scary part! But nothing surgery can not fix:)) tee hee! well that brings you up to date on my lap band!! I took some pics today to see what I look like and I am starting to See my old self inside of me! ( hope I do not start acting like it! LORD HELP!!) I have tried to put the pics here but can not do that! I did manage to get the little one of me on the side and ask Jill to help me with the others:) Well best go, I still have some work to Linda

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......