Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Today has been a very restful peaceful day.  I got in the bed with Steve yesterday about 5ish, we watched football and I played on face book, then got sleepy and went to sleep, I woke up at 9:30pm and then we both went to bed, woke up at 4:30 and went back to sleep till 8ish.  I could not believe it, my back was stiff from being in the bed so long.  I could of gone back to sleep but needed to get up and take care of Steve:)  He took a shower and that did him in, I made chicken spaghetti and salad and great northern beans for supper, I realize the beans do not go with the meal but I was hungry for them:)  Kay and Colin came by after church and ate lunch with us and visited, we enjoyed them coming by to visit:)  Alex and Jill came by with my sweet Amelia, I loved seeing them, I do not see them as much, they live across town.  Sean came in on his way home form hunting, they saw a lot of deer and got one.  Mark came in and sat with Steve and visited, Hannah has been sick so she stayed away.  I did get a offer accepted today, there were three offers on the property and we got my offer worked out:) YEA!!  I really need business, I am trying not to worry, but it is scary since I need my income to pay bills:) trying to trust in the Lord that He knows what I need when I need it:) He has always been faithful! Today was nice, I sat in my rocking chair on the front porch and rocked some today:) I have boot camp early tomorrow so I am going to bed soon, I dread getting up so early and going……..but keep telling my self you have to go!  hugs and nite

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