Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cole and MIMI

Today Cole spent the day with me:) we went to Bobbie's baby shower, she is Steve's sister's daughter, my niece, expecting her first baby, which is a boy:0 Cole was perfect, my other niece Dr. Susan Averitt was there so I of course had her check Cole out for me, I miss her not being here for all these grand babies, but I do have Pam Cupples daughter Laura Cupples Wilson who is a pediatrician too:) and Karla Ahart's daughter, Cheryl Ahart is on in LR, I think that is who Bobbie will use:) I then went to others, she was so excited to see Cole, I have some cute pics as you can see:) Mother is doing well, and Cole just talked to her. For those who do not know my mother has , and can Alzheimer's not remember anything BUT does still know me and my sister Kay, this is a terrible disease and it is hard watching it still my mothers memory. I enjoyed our visit and I know she did!! Walt is in the back ground, this is my step father, they have been married 30 or more years now. Longer then she was a weird:) They live in WLR, but today was a good day for them, Mother will be 78 and Walt will be 80 this year. I went by Jill's and she was sickly with baby sick, you know the kind you feel like you will throw up and weak???? That is how she is but loves being pregnant, Alex was home so he can help take care of her and make her feel special:) Well gotta go check on easy street fro open house tomorrow while April is here to keep a eye on Cole, Sarah worked last night and tonight, Sean had to work both nights too, so its been Nana and Daddygrand and Cole, he is such a good baby it has been easy:) Later!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thank you for picking up the books to take to Susan. Cole was so cute...looking forward to when I can hold him. The pics of Mimi and Cole are sweet...she looks good. :)

Love you!