Wednesday, October 21, 2009 baby yet:(

This has been a hard day for Jill, she is doing well but has had a ruff time, the baby and Jill are fine, Jill dilated to s 2 cim. and the baby has come down and she is efaced, the DR. has her very sedated and totally dark and quiet room, due to her blood pressure and she had some tremors, seizure activity, her water broke and she is having contractions, they are doing her epidural and that will help with the pain and she can stop some of the sedation, they sedated her due to the blood pressure rising with the intense contractions, her blood levels are good. Dr. does not want to do a c-section yet since she has started showing some progress......they said it may be another 12 hours so please pray her body will go into labor and respond and do what it needs to do:)

1 comment:

becca said...

I'm so glad I found your blog thru hers. I have been wondering how it is going and was worried the induction might take a while. But good for her doc for not rushing a C section. Praying for her and glad I know where to go for some info. Thanks for posting.