Saturday, January 15, 2011

been busy

The May family, Ann has been my friend, real friend for over 30 years, she is my buddy and I love this family so much!!

me and Ann....the man in the back ground was trying to pick u up:)
The girls in their new Barbie car

Jared's snow angel

me in snow:)

My snow angel

our new freeway taco haley chaweenie dog, his name is freeway because Bob found him on the freeway:)) not sure I want or need a dog, since i have one, but he is here for now:)

So much has happened, been busy with work, with mother, planning a bridal shower for today and a wedding tonight..thought I would post some pics, My niece, Kaylynn Ruffin's son Cody get married tonight, so we will be going to the wedding, excited for them. Yesterday I took mother to get her hair fixed at a new place here in NLR, so much easier for her, she can go in afternoon, and closer, she gets so confused when you take her out, makes me sad. I bought a guest book for people to sign when they come and see her so she can read it, she is lonely and thinks she does not have anyone left, I put out family pics, and going to ask each family member to make and send me pics so I can make a scrapbook of the people who love her and the family she has. This disease is awful! She told Sherry the lady who did her hair, that she was all she had left, I reminded her she has a big family and so much love, but she just cannot remember, she knows Walt is gone and she thinks she is alone, so say a prayer for her to know how loved she is and all the people who love her:) I hope the guest book will help, when her sister or someone calls we can write it down, then she can read it and maybe remember:) plus when we are there we can write it down so she will know we came over. Kay has been real sick with the flu I guess that is what she has, she is getting some what better, but it has taken it toil on her:( I am running my self in all different directions, each morning I have given my day to the Lord and He for sure has directed my steps, its been good days, just busy days:))) well best get ready for and hugs!! If you can and know mother, would like her to remember you and you are reading this, please email me pics so I can make a book for her:)

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