Friday, April 9, 2010


I am sorry I have not posted for awhile, I have been so caught up in work, play, Grand babies and being a mother and wife I have not taken the time to post.

I am in a better frame of mind since my last post. I have checked on mother and made roast and potatoes and carrots for their dinner tonight and when I talked to Kay she had too and was taking it to them:)) funny! It still has me real bothered on what to do. My sister's attorney friend we went and talked to weeks ago had never got back with us, I think I will seek out new legal advice......C do you do this kind of legal stuff???? C is one of my friends who reads the blog:)) I kept Laila and Peyton last night and some of today, then they went to their Meme's house while Jenn and Jared move this weekend. I have Mika here, she is sleeping in the baby bed, she is still so little, six weeks old:)) I love all the snuggling:) We went to Anna's 10th birthday party tonight, the Diehl's and Averitts had it together this year which is a work of the Lord for all of us to do that, not that we did not get along but due to pain of divorce we just have not done that, so it was nice fro Anna to have her mother and daddy together wit all the families and of course Sarah, Sarah made the best cup cakes, I will have to post a pic of them, they were so pretty and special for Anna!! The man Sherry dates who is a special person, Roger was there too and it all went very well. I am thankful Anna has so many people who love her!! She is one special little girl! The we went with Alex and Jill and miss Amelia to Red Lobster, they took us out:)) then home and Steve is in bed and I am not far behind him! April had broke up with Seth, she feels that God has a work to do in Seth to make hi the man she is to marry and Steve and I agree, this has not been easy for her and Seth is acting a fool about it all, so keep them in your prayers. April for one is only 19 and still is trying to figure out what to do with her life:)) she is at her life long friend birthday party tonight with her girlfriend's, that will be fun for her and I hope they all keep their head on straight and not get into trouble:O Well best go ...nite and hugs

1 comment:

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Call me, Linda, and we'll talk through everything!

Glad to hear about the birthday harmony.

Poor April! C