Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Out of my comfort zone:)

It has been a busy week, we have had Olivia with us, she has enjoyed working with me:)
 She is bringing me some paper work from the printer:) She never cried, but was ready to go home today, she is a Mama's girl:)  I will miss her:( Mark is off the next two days so Hannah is excited to have him home, they will work on  their building.  Steve and I have a funeral to go to for Mr. Brown tomorrow then will go to FFB, looking forward to a few days of rest:) So get ready for toes in the pool pics:) No cooking, No cleaning, just hanging out and chillin:)))

Ok, today I had to do a video for work and thought I would practice doing a video on my lap top, so I made this video:)


It is for sure not very professional but let me see I can make a video and I will get the right people lined up to do a professional video:) I need to do one on hiring agents too:)  In keeping up with the marketing of today on line you just have to do it all:))) My sweet friend Dinah called total laughing at the video BUT she did write a offer today:))

Mama and Roy and Connie and Wesley and Elva will be in Chattanooga this weekend, I so want to go and see them all, its hard to get them all in one place,  but I am restraining my self and keeping on my budget, instead of just saying forget the budget and going:(  Its very hard for me, I do not like restraints!  We already had plans to go to Biff and Ann's next weekend for a Averitt family lake day with Steve's brother and sisters, and planned to go to PCB the end of July, so I will keep with my budget and plans, even though I do not want too:(((((  Trying to live with in my means is not easy, I am the type who thinks live for today because you may not be here tomorrow, which is true:) but Steve is a weight of balance for me:(((  Although I remind him, you have never seen a Hearst pulling a U-Haul:)

Best go to bed so I can be ready for my day tomorrow:))) hugs and night, enjoy the video, its ok to laugh with me at doing it:)))

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