It has been awhile since I blogged, I have started then quit, started again then erased it, I write for me, so I would just share my thoughts then think, ooops do not need to say all that and erase it. So just gonna catch up on the past month. January has came and went, was a tuff month, colder then normal here, I did go to court and I think that went well. It was still very hurtful. Got a email today, my attorney has been sick and is just now sending everything to Clay's is still hard to believe we have to do this through attorney's, but it is a protection for me. It could not be done just between Kay and I, it got misstated and misunderstood, so they should have the paper work, financials, real estate transactions, taxes from when Walt past away, 30 days to review it, decided if I committed fraud and sue me. One thing for sure, they can rave about how well I cared for mother, so if it is not about the money as Kay states and mother is past, what is it about? Kay has stated she will put me in jail and is sorry to my child for doing that:( I have nothing to hide and they have it all so they should figure all that out. Then I pray we can somehow have the family back together again, just not sure how, but all things are possible with God. This is why I probably do not need to blog for awhile. I try to deal with it and the hurt but it is hard, we have really hurt each other. I would give anything had it been different. Maybe some day she can forgive me and so can Clay, I have forgiven them the best I know, that our family's forgive each other, just ready for it to be over. On a positive note! God came through for my niece Ashlee,

she only lost one leg from the knee down and she is doing great! She thinks that leg was killing her, she could not eat, walk , was so sick. Now she is up and going! So happy for her. Then we had another tragic death in the Simons family,

"Tiffany in blue, her son beside her daughter beside me"
my niece Tiffany took her life, this is my mother's sister Connie's daughter, I am very close to Connie, she is like a sister to me, my heart broke for her and for Tiffany's children. Maw maw lost Roy in December then her grand daughter in February, I worry about her, she is one of the strongest woman I know.

"my Maw Maw"
Steve and I immediately went to Baton Rouge and stayed a few days. Aunt Mildred and Sharon came, Aunt Mildred really looked like mother, totally threw me a curve ball at first:(
My heart still hurts in all this. This was a real blow and will take time for Connie and the children to over come this, but they will over come, they are survivors! Maw maw has left that legacy to us all!
We had our Awards Banquet last Saturday, it was Denim and Diamonds Theme.
We had a good time, but home by 10:00. This was the first year since 2002 for me not to plan our pre and after party for our company, or help with the banquet, it was always a big undertaking, so it was nice just showing up. Beverly Carter's family was there,
they are such a wonderful family, she did good with her boys:) We will always mourn her death and change the way we do Real Estate.
Now it is snowing again, and 23 degrees so we are snowed in for today and tomorrow it looks like, schools shut down, sales meeting called off, office closed, streets are unsafe to drive on, they have about a inch of ice then snow.

Made fudge for snow day

Peanut Butter fudge:)
but I am cool with that, been working from home, just can't show property yet. My friend gave me some little shirts for Lovie
This one is with Alex and Jill's girl, Amelia and Sydney and Lovie walking:)
Lovie loves them, she gets cold, so she loves to wear them, so funny! All is well here with the kids, Hannah's family is fine, they have a new baby goat. April and Seth are doing great, they love their home and being married. Jared and his family are good, I need to get the girls and build a snow man, just 23 degrees outside keeps me inside:( Alex and his family are good, he is a very anointed preacher, I do not know how he does all he does but he does:) Sean and his family are good, they are still trying to find a home to buy in Carlisle, we saw one yesterday that may work. Alicia and her family is good, she stays busy with work and babies, Alexandria is in her second year of college hard to believe!
I cooked for her friends and her, today I made peanut butter fudge and chocolate fudge with pecans....SNOW DAYS!!!! I did get Valentine up and Easter out:)
Love decorating for Holidays! I hope it is warm Easter, nothing I would like more then to plan Easter at Burns Park Pavilion. Will have to watch the weather:)
Journey Church is growing, we have had a lot of new people coming, I totally love it so no doubt God will bring people in and make us share it with others:)))
Well going to work on Real Estate and call seller's and buyers to stir up business, it will sun shine soon...I hope. Keep our family in your prayers, now to enjoy the snow and movies, I can not fathom the people in Boston with eight feet or more of snow.....I am thankful for a little snow:))) Hugs and stay in if your getting snow and enjoy your time to chill!
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