This month there have been several things in my life that have been very emotional, I have done some soul searching and reflecting as a Child of God, a daughter, sister, mother, wife, child, friend, Realtor. I have been accused of some wrong doings by a family member I love very much, it has been very painful for me and for them, in dealing with that I have reflected a lot on my child hood, letting the Lord use this time of pain to bring the healing He wants to bring in areas of my life, so He is working it all for my good. Its not over and not sure it will be this side of Heaven, I will never understand it all, but I hang onto the fact God is in control and He is my defender.
Then as you know we were going through some things with April and Seth, Seth was able to come for a visit this past week, and it was such a answered prayer, looks like there will be a wedding in the future if all goes as planned and Steve and I and Seth and April are all on the same page! This is a real answered prayer for my family, if God is for us, who can be against us!
Have another family deal I am not free to blog about yet, but it is emotional too, so my plate has been full of healing and me letting go of the things I can not change, letting God take the wheel:) I have learned this week
that I had unforgiveness, bitterness, hate in my heart and I was able to give it to the Lord and forgive the best I know how. I was able to realize I can not change what other people say or think about me, true or untrue but I can live each day knowing God knows me inside and out, He formed me in my mother's womb and He and I are ok. There is a saying in Celebrate Recovery "to do the next right thing", and that is what I am doing in all of this, receiving wisdom from council, knowing I am trusting in the Lord for the out come of all these things I have shared, on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand:)
My daddy went to Heaven 41 years ago this coming Sunday, Nov. 10th., so I went to the cemetery today with Steve and put out new flowers, a time to reflect, I know that my daddy and mother and Walt are in Heaven, I have no doubt they are proud of me along with my Heavenly Father. My mother and Walt loved flowers so I bet they have their Manson full of all kinds of flowers, daddy liked them too, but not like mother and Walt did!
Yesterday I went back to some old home places of friends
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