We had out annual Thanksgiving lunch at McKimmey, it was a success, I think we had the best year yet!
We had the best, I think Thanksgiving ever, Seth and Mark helped me with the dressing, in which I needed, my hands are having a problem:(( I think from holding my phone too much:) and they stirred it all, Steve and Hannah chopped the onions and celery, I can not make dressing with out the memories of all the years I would call mother to get the recipe and I could hear her telling me, not too much sage it will make it bitter:) I add and Steve will taste it:) It turned out perfect! I was excited that Mark and Hannah got to come on Tuesday and stay till Friday, I miss them being in Van Buren, in which I realize is not that far, but its not next door either, what I was use too! Thankful Jared moved his family next door! We went to Alicia's for Thanksgiving, it was pot luck so that makes it easy, I even took a cats nap with Luke:) came home about 8ish and played Texas Holdem with Sean, Sarah, Nick, Hannah and Mark, it was just a fun filled day, a lot of laughs and very thankful!
Sean, Alex, Alicia Jean
Nick Cox and Mark McGill
Steve and Bob
Seth Harris
My new grand dog Axel
When all is here it is hectic and the house gets messy, I get dog tired, usually from not much sleep, I am so use to it being quiet, but when they all leave I sure do miss them!!! Looking forward to out Averitt Christmas, This is a pic of the Grands, all but Anna Averitt:(
I was not to thrilled about sharing her with her Step father's family but I have met the Miley's and know how they love her too, Mr. Miley and his wife Georgia are elderly and I know they enjoyed her being with them:) I need to photo shop her in, like I would even know how to do that:(
Today I showed property then Steve did a graveside service for his friend of fifty years, his sister who Steve knew past away suddenly:( Then tonight we are going out to dinner with some good friends, I love the Holiday's I try my best to take time to visit with those I do not get to see much. I am going to try to make good trays for some:) This Tuesday we go see Mawma, I can not wait will be home Friday and then have the Averitt Christmas on Saturday, then have our children's Christmas the 22nd and then spend New Year's wit Steve's sister Pasty and Donald! So I have to fit in going to see the May's in Hot Springs, but I will:) I also want to do a Christmas lunch for a few close lady friends, got to get it all scheduled!

My children make light of them but I know they really wish they were in their yard! Have a great start to your Holiday Season, take time to love on old friends and make some new!! Love to all and to all a good night!