Had a great week, sold some homes, listed some, mother has adjusted very well living with us and so have we. Now I have been running 24/7, with moving mother, getting my house ready for her, work being so busy, getting her home ready for the buyer, keeping up with my other commitments I about over did it:0 Steve and I took the weekend off to our selves, today I have not dressed, just took a shower and put on nite shirt and have laid around watching NCIS and playing word with friends. Just a slow me down day Mother is with Connie and April this weekend she has done great, I am so thankful she is happy living with me, you never know on moving someone with Alzheimer's, but she knows where her room is and will take you there ( about 20 times a day ) she knows where her bath room is and that it is hers, at least for now she does. We have a schedule guess it’s the mother in me, had one when the kids were little and have one now, get up about 6ish get chores done and mother will wake up about 8:30-9:00am, if early I have coffee with her then care giver comes at nine, I go to work, with my work, I am in and out but have been able to be home at four, then we talk some, I do chores and start supper, mother helps me, then we eat at 5ish, we sit down at table and have family dinner, then Steve / mother cleans kitchen while we talk, I get in my chair, she will go to her room and get things, bring them in for me to see, then she will sit on couch and look at the things she brought in, sometimes she will fix this baby dolls hair, we watch Wheel of Fortune, a lot of times I have work to do at night which is on my laptop, I do that while she just does her thing, she has started walking around entertaining herself, she loves the Averitt girls coming over, they do games and puzzles they just love on her, all three give her hugs and kisses forever
then at 8:30 give night meds and she is in bed about 9ish, she will go to sleep in her own bed, she is still having some problems staying asleep, she gets up a few times a night, which is normal for this disease. Our sleep is interrupted, in which I am getting use too, also getting use to sleeping with lights on, I like it dark, and getting use to a baby monitor, hearing mother breath and Steve Snore and the dog who sleeps beside my bed snore, its hard for me to stay asleep, but its getting better. I am a real light sleeper. Glad I do get help some nights so I can catch up on sleep
All in all it is good, mother laughs so much more, from what I have learned Alzheimer's victims needs structure and same routine daily and we are creating that for her. It helps me too, Steve and I are on a schedule
A lot of people have said make sure we get our time, we will do that, I know my limits, when I need to take Linda time I will, sometimes its not the timing where I can but as soon as I can I do
I have great care givers and Kay has mother on Monday night and Tuesdays, which will be nice to be home by ourselves. I am looking forward to making memories for me, at night bedtime ritual, we put PJ’s on, brush teeth which is a ordeal
then listen to her music box, she loves her curio, we look at the things in it, then she goes through pics of her family, she names them most of the time, which is great
then she says am I sleeping in here by my self? I say yes, and you love it you sleep so much better, she says, I do?? then she gets in her bed, we read a prayer that is own her wall, we pray, then she cuddles her covers up around her face and I kiss her goodnight, tell her I am in my room right by her, say our I love you’s and she goes to sleep. Now I am learning to go to sleep then too if I can
Some have ask how we are doing so thought I would blog it
Steve and I are starting a study group at Journey Church, this Tuesday is orientation to see who wants to come, it is a 12 step group, like I have done before, excited about it, God will work on different areas in my life plus the some of the same areas
waiting to see what He does. I will co lead and my friend Sherry will be the leader of the women's group. Journey Church is really a family to me, it is our fourth Birthday as a church!! If I am not there I so miss it and will usually do what ever I can not to miss it, going to miss tomorrow but know I need this alone time with my hubby….with that said he is laying here snoring
we are laying on a sectional he is on one end and me the other
we have watched NCIS since noon and its 5:47
its called being a slug……..hugs
Saturday, February 4, 2012
My day:)
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