Oh my this week has been crazy!! I meet my self coming and going, started with church Sunday which was wonderful, got to go to Jill’s on Monday, was able to help her and have a sweet time with Ameliathen work, I am very busy brokering agents and doing my own business, woke up with Migraine on Tuesday, tried to go to sales meeting but had to come home and go to bed
then it let up, and I was able to finish my day. Could not sleep well last night with mother, I still miss a lot of sleep, but am getting use to it I guess, I try to catch up on the nights I have care givers and if I need it then I have one of them spend a extra night so I can sleep. I worked all day today, then got a call Alexandria had a wreck, Alicia is in broker school in which she cannot leave or miss, she was so upset, but Steve and I got there and we knew she was ok, just banged up, a guy rear ended her going pretty fast, so she took a good hit, I took her to Dr. Varley , he was able to help her and will see her through this. She has such a tight schedule to keep with school, cheer and dance, so pray she gets feeling better soon. Then had to meet a buyer, and then came home, it was over whelming tonight with mother, but God’s grace came through and things settled down with her and we had some good tie to just sit, which I needed
Not use to cooking every night
but try to have meal time sitting down at table with her and keep her schedule the same. It makes it easier. Tomorrow Jimmy Buffett is here, I sold my tickets, I did not want to fight the crowd and I thought I may be needed at Jill’s, but he mother is coming in town, I know that will help her feel better immedialty, she has a sweet mother that she is very close to , her best friend
Jill will see Dr. tomorrow she is 35 weeks now, so if she can go one more then maybe Sydney will not have to go to NCIU
so pray for her too. Sean has had a hard time getting through all this in his marriage, they will be divorced next week, it is so sad to me, I have prayed and prayed but know God is in control and trust him. Sean is doing better now and coping with it all. I pray for Cole’s sake he and Sarah will be able to be kind to each other and get along. His daughter Anna is growing so much, she is just such a young lady
I hope to see them both soon, we have miss Peyton’s birthday party this Saturday, so will post pics when I do them!! She is excited. Well tomorrow will be a Linda Lou Averitt time for the afternoon and Friday
Can not wait! May just have to do a massage. Best run and get to bed, and pray mother does. hugs and nite
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Crazy Times
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Good week!
Thinking through the week, went to church last Sunday, I had Children’s Church, which is always a blessing, I love to worship with the kids and do stories! Then to Moe’s to eat, with the family, some of them Had Sunday night at home with out mother, got some things of hers unpacked and cleaned, cleaned the carpets in family room and her room and my room. Got the house spotless
It is easier for me to do that with her gone. I was thinking the other day, Steve and I will be married forty years this year and we have only lived by our self's for one year out of that forty….I guess that is why it is so easy for us to adapt, when we married, Bill Brown lived with us, then I came home and when Steve got home form overseas we had Alicia, then you know the rest of the story
We do have a condo that we hide away at for our alone time and down time, I have it for sale, but if it does not sale that is fine too, I have not sold the camper yet
But never fear, Steve has it parked in our FRONT yard, so I put a for sale sign on it! Not to sure on all the camping thing, but the kids love it.
Tuesday was a busy day as usual, and we started our step study so we leave at 8:30 and get home at 8:30 ish so makes for a long long day. Mother is doing better sleeping, I took her off some of the meds she was on, it was making her crazy at night, she would talk most of night and just fidget most of night her restless legs were awful! Thankful it is better!
Has been great weather and she has gotten out some, got her hair done on Thursday, the day was just a beautiful day to be out.
We had the Little Rock awards ceremony Thursday at 4:30, so I went to that then got a msg. that Jill was admitted back in hospital for pre eclampisa, her bp was 161/101, which is stroke level not good for her being PG, so I went and got Amelia and went to their home and spent the night, Amelia is just such a sweet little girl, she is so easy to keep, she keeps me laughing all the time, she is so smart. Jill got to come home on Friday to bed rest, we go tomorrow to help Alex set up nursery…..fun Its been a great week, hope your week has been good too!!!! Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my friend won $100,000.00 on a scratch off ticket, now I have told her she buys to many and needs to come to my group, so she said she did not need group and would not buy as many, when ever they are not winning cards, she enters them into a second chance drawing, she will get them out of trash cans, if anyone buys them and their not winning one,s she gets them
They called her on Thursday and said she won in the second chance drawing!!!! Guess I was wrong, she got her money Friday! Excited for her
Saturday, February 18, 2012
ON the up and up:)
This week has been a great week even with being sick and mother not sleeping real good, I have a remedy for that of course it means me sleeping with her, but if that is what it takes to get some sleep, a desperate person will do anything for some rest at night
So remember the days when I would bring home my new baby, you just go on auto mode due to lack of sleep. I am excited that Jill is doing so much better with her blood pressure and PG, Baby Sydney is five pounds now, so if she comes she should be ok. Jill is still on bed rest and will probably remain there a few more weeks. Gavin had his surgery and it was good news on his eye ball, it looks good, his retinia is gone but I pray they can do a transplant, they sewed the eye lid shut for it to heal, he sure has been in a lot of pain, such a trooper, he is being so strong going through this, keep his family and him in your payers.
Work has been hectic getting loans closed, there are problems on all of them so its like putting out fires all day long! Which is stressful part if my job. People have the ideal Real Estate is just showing property, that is part of it but there is so so much more. But I do have to say I love the challenge of it, I got a call today from a young man, whose father past away, he had depression form his father’s death and is behind in his payments about to lose his home, the mtg. company gives him the run around, so that is what gets me caught up in doing a short sell for someone, to help relieve them of the burden of the debt around their shoulders, most public do not know how to deal with mtg. companies or what is available to them, this young man wants to keep his home, I pray I can help him do that. I will get ticked at his mtg. company and frustrated with it all and probably say this is it, think of calling the President, say this is the last one I will do, then I get that call and do it all over again Why? because I love my job and helping people, that is me
, what I love about my work.
This week I have had a sinus infection with complete nasal block and a cough that keeps you up at night, it is better, Wed. I stayed in all day and slept and worked from home in my PJ’s on computer work on my listings, today I am at condo, I need time to be away form mother, as much as I love her I cannot do it all the time. I am so grateful for the help I have, without it she would have to be in a nursing home. Kay is suppose to get her Sunday night and Monday so then I will be home with just Steve, I hope to unpack the office where I have moved everything to keep it out of sight, mother does not like clutter. I plan on cleaning the carpet in her room, my room and rugs in living room, unpacking some of her things she will enjoy. It is still hard to believe that her home has sold, it all happens so fast, in this market that is a miracle from the Lord. I knew God would show me His timing and He did! Well going to continue to rest today and be ready for church tomorrow and work when it comes!! Got some good buyers, need more homes to list, so if you know anyone moving please refer them to me!! Hugs
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
You never know how fast you can run, till you RUN!!
I watched the movie Secretariat tonight with mother, I love that movie! It is such a motivational movie. I am doctoring a cold..ugh! Hoping mother or my friend Sherry does not get it. Steve and I went to Sherry's Saturday night and Sunday so I could get some sleep, in which I did:0 Mother is much better, back to her normal routine and sweet self. I am so glad, last week was really a trying time, work so busy and mother not feeling well really put me on overload. The week has started a busy one, I am trying to get loans closed, broker agents on their loans and real estate, show property and list property! Steve and I have worked, worked, worked! But it will all pay off in time.
I am the type person who runs in high gear, I am always pushing my self, I do not know any other way, but when I take down time I rest and relax, I try to keep it balanced and healthy. I learned when I work in psych for Dr. Stephens if you think you have to be sick for down time or a day off, then you need to see what is going on in you, it is healthy to take me time. I do that for me, so I can run the race when I have to run and give it all I got, some times when I do not think I can keep going I get my second wind, then sometimes I have to take a rest. When I work I give it all I got, when I play I give it all I got, when I rest, I give it all I got!
We had birthday weekend this last weekend, mother got all ready for it , then we went to Jenn and Jared's for Mika and Cole's birthday party.
Then April stayed with mother and Steve and I went to my friend Sherry's, her home is like my home, it is a haven to me, we got some much needed rest:) Then Monday had a snow day which made our office the perfect place to be to get work done, it was quiet and empty. Today we had sales meeting and property tour, busy day, now home ready for bed. I have class at ten in the am and showing some commercial property, hoping my eyes quit running and my nose clears u and my sinus unstop!! Keep Jill and Sydney in your prayers, we need her to not be born for w few more weeks, Jill is on bed rest. Also Gavin has surgery this Friday on his eye, we need a miracle, pray my cold away and mother or no one else gets it
hugs nite
Friday, February 10, 2012
Still making it, but sometimes wonder how:)
Well we have settled in with mother, this week has been a hard one, it is hard to believe what a UTI Infection does in the brain of the elderly, and they are common I knew Monday something was not right, mother was too agitated and cursed, which she never does. Kay took her to Dr. Tuesday and just like I thought she had a UTI, just beginning, started on antibiotic, she has not slept at night all week so I am looking forward to having a caregiver tomorrow night till Tuesday so I can sleep at night
Plus I need to clean her carpet so on MOnday she goes to Kay and I will have the house to myself to clean, mother is OCD on anything that is not clean or straight, so I am constantly cleaning. I do like a clean house but never this clean
Tonight she was back to her normal sweet self. I just cannot understand how it can affect her personality so much but it does, she never argues are fuses at me, but nothing pleased her. She was mad when I had to leave, just could not understand, so it makes it hard. Wednesday night Hannah and her family came for the night, mother did enjoy seeing the grandbabies
Jenn came over for a little while with her girls, so mother got lots of good shugs and hugs, it was a PJ day for us Thursday, Hannah had to take the three younger one’s to Dr. and get shots
They slept in the camper and the kids loved it, I was glad to see them all, it had been awhile since I had seen my Luke man
he is crawling everywhere!! Then we got the call that Jill was being admitted in the hospital for preeclampsia, which worried me, Amelia was born at 34 weeks, so Jill is home now and resting, which is not easy with a three year old, but we are all going to help so we can keep Sydney in the tummy for a little longer, they did start with steroid shots;( so keep them in your prayers.
There have been days that I think this is too hard with mother, but that is usually when I am going on very little sleep, then God gives me fresh grace and strength to do it, I am thankful tonight has been a peaceful night, mother is more her self and already in bed, I am on my way to bed too, I do good to get four straight hours of sleep, I have a 18 year old Cali dog, dashound Mini, that wakes me up when mother doesn’t, she is almost blind and deaf, I am thinking of having her put to sleep, I do not want to but not sure I can do her and mother, will be very hard and sad for me if I have to do that. Cali has allergy's and I cannot keep getting her shots the vet says they are bad for her, so she itches and scratches at night then gets up to be let out Mother is getting up twice and wakes up early like 4ish stays up for a hour or so then lays back down, she piddles in her room, I listen on a monitor, so no rest this week. Work has been crazy too, but I love being busy and writing offers and closing loans
Keep my family I in your prayers, Gavin will have eye surgery this next week, Jill resting, mother UTI ( urinary tract infection) God has been faithful and I know will continue to be, Had lunch with Bill and Larry Brown this week, Keep Larry in your prayers as he battles bone cancer, he is doing real good
I have known Bill since tenth grade, I had a crush on him, he did not give me the time of day then
I hope to be working with him in real estate soon, not sure I can handle Bill and Steve in real estate, there is no telling what the two of them could do in selling!! Bill lived with Steve and I when we first married, he is Alicia’s God Father. We laughed through out our lunch, he and Larry are a hoot! Larry was married to Steve’s sister Pat for 20 plus years, since they have both remarried. Tomorrow we have Cole’s third birthday and Mika’s second birthday party, Jenn is doing them both at her house as one party, will be fun, then I am going to my friend Sherry’s house to spend the night so I can sleep, sleep, sleep, Steve will go with me, April will be here with mother, I could not do this without wonderful care givers, they help so much. Even if I do not work and was home, it would be to much for me, I am not sure how people take care of someone 24/7. Mother senses if your frustrated or tense so I give it my all to always be patient with her and smile a lot, we do laugh a lot when she is at her self, and tonight was one of those laughing nights, I am so thankful!!! hugs and nite
Saturday, February 4, 2012
My day:)
Had a great week, sold some homes, listed some, mother has adjusted very well living with us and so have we. Now I have been running 24/7, with moving mother, getting my house ready for her, work being so busy, getting her home ready for the buyer, keeping up with my other commitments I about over did it:0 Steve and I took the weekend off to our selves, today I have not dressed, just took a shower and put on nite shirt and have laid around watching NCIS and playing word with friends. Just a slow me down day Mother is with Connie and April this weekend she has done great, I am so thankful she is happy living with me, you never know on moving someone with Alzheimer's, but she knows where her room is and will take you there ( about 20 times a day ) she knows where her bath room is and that it is hers, at least for now she does. We have a schedule guess it’s the mother in me, had one when the kids were little and have one now, get up about 6ish get chores done and mother will wake up about 8:30-9:00am, if early I have coffee with her then care giver comes at nine, I go to work, with my work, I am in and out but have been able to be home at four, then we talk some, I do chores and start supper, mother helps me, then we eat at 5ish, we sit down at table and have family dinner, then Steve / mother cleans kitchen while we talk, I get in my chair, she will go to her room and get things, bring them in for me to see, then she will sit on couch and look at the things she brought in, sometimes she will fix this baby dolls hair, we watch Wheel of Fortune, a lot of times I have work to do at night which is on my laptop, I do that while she just does her thing, she has started walking around entertaining herself, she loves the Averitt girls coming over, they do games and puzzles they just love on her, all three give her hugs and kisses forever
then at 8:30 give night meds and she is in bed about 9ish, she will go to sleep in her own bed, she is still having some problems staying asleep, she gets up a few times a night, which is normal for this disease. Our sleep is interrupted, in which I am getting use too, also getting use to sleeping with lights on, I like it dark, and getting use to a baby monitor, hearing mother breath and Steve Snore and the dog who sleeps beside my bed snore, its hard for me to stay asleep, but its getting better. I am a real light sleeper. Glad I do get help some nights so I can catch up on sleep
All in all it is good, mother laughs so much more, from what I have learned Alzheimer's victims needs structure and same routine daily and we are creating that for her. It helps me too, Steve and I are on a schedule
A lot of people have said make sure we get our time, we will do that, I know my limits, when I need to take Linda time I will, sometimes its not the timing where I can but as soon as I can I do
I have great care givers and Kay has mother on Monday night and Tuesdays, which will be nice to be home by ourselves. I am looking forward to making memories for me, at night bedtime ritual, we put PJ’s on, brush teeth which is a ordeal
then listen to her music box, she loves her curio, we look at the things in it, then she goes through pics of her family, she names them most of the time, which is great
then she says am I sleeping in here by my self? I say yes, and you love it you sleep so much better, she says, I do?? then she gets in her bed, we read a prayer that is own her wall, we pray, then she cuddles her covers up around her face and I kiss her goodnight, tell her I am in my room right by her, say our I love you’s and she goes to sleep. Now I am learning to go to sleep then too if I can
Some have ask how we are doing so thought I would blog it
Steve and I are starting a study group at Journey Church, this Tuesday is orientation to see who wants to come, it is a 12 step group, like I have done before, excited about it, God will work on different areas in my life plus the some of the same areas
waiting to see what He does. I will co lead and my friend Sherry will be the leader of the women's group. Journey Church is really a family to me, it is our fourth Birthday as a church!! If I am not there I so miss it and will usually do what ever I can not to miss it, going to miss tomorrow but know I need this alone time with my hubby….with that said he is laying here snoring
we are laying on a sectional he is on one end and me the other
we have watched NCIS since noon and its 5:47
its called being a slug……..hugs