Seven years ago mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, we had a MRI of her brain that showed the plaque build up in the back of the brain,then we had more testing done that show early Alzheimer's, at this time we started seeing Dr. Joe Bradley who specialized in this, we began Aricept, which gave her a upset stomach real bad, we have done all the meds you can do now, Walt nor her friends would believe this and she would not either, she said never say the word Alzheimer's to me again, as it progressed Walt still felt it was aging, I began to spend more time cooking for them and paying their bills, it came a time when mother weighed 84 pds., Walt was elderly too and it broke me and my sister's heart to leave them alone in their home but Walt would not let us do anymore then we did. he was a very independent man, he was in a high position when he worked and he was the boss at home. I begged for them to move near me and had shown them a home to move into, Walt said yes, then when time came said no, I was so upset with him, but there was no arguing with Walt, he said his piece and that was it, I cherish those days now because we worked though a lot issues that we had, as I told him he needed to learn to accept our love and care because we were who would be caring for him and we did, I am thankful for Alicia who changed his diapers, because I could not do that, I am thankful to say I have no regrets in how we took cared of him when he broke his hip and was sick.
this is mother skin and bones, now this is her today
We did not realize how sick Walt was till he past away. I did move mother near us in Sherwood at the house Walt had said he would buy. That was in June 2010, it has been a great home for her, she has caregivers 24/7, has not been left alone since his death. Her disease has progressed, she now can not dress her self, physical hygiene by her self, be left alone, she can still eat but has started choking, she can not carry on a conversation but is still very witty and tries. Mother quit smoking after 50 plus years
only positive thing. Our family has had many bumps in the road going through this process, it has been very heartbreaking and painful. When mother got sick a few weeks back we saw we needed to step up the game plan, saw how quick things can change, I had put her home for sale but had not really worked it, then after she got sick I knew it was time to make the move to move her in with me or make a decision for a nursing home, she is not ready for a nursing home and neither were Kay and I. Steve and I were spending about 80-100 hours at her home and it was hard on Steve and I, yet I was not sure the move was the right thing, I prayed about it gave it to God, worked her home as I do my other listings and it sold on a cash deal to close in one week. Needless to say Steve and I got into high gear and got her moved in
Her Dr. ordered a hospital bed, which has rails, they do help her pull u to get out of it, but she is doing so much better she does not need them at night, she is oriented to the house, she will read the scriptures on the wall and loves them, mother as a love for God’s word
she loved her closet
Since she has been here ( two Nights ) she has slept real good and loves her room, her bed is twin so she is use to a king size, but seems to have adapted well, she is a survivor, she will adjust to what ever comes her way I was excited to see her remember her mother and daddy when she saw their pics on her buffet, she knew everyone in pics, first time in a long time for that, she also knew her china cabinet and tea pots, she loves on Steve all the time with hugs, I think he makes her feel secure, I have this china baby doll that is life size, its arms, legs and feet are hard, she loves it and sat it in my little rocker, she wanted it and I said it is yours
In all honestly the move about killed us,
Peyton was a big helper she helped daddygrand pick things up on the floor and carry things, the grown kids had to work and we were stressed to the max, Victoria Haley was a God send and she worked like a slave, helped steve move all furniture out of mother’s room and get new in, Had no ideal how strong she is!
stressed with all the unknowns of how its all going to work, but I am so pleased at how it has come about, moving the things I did of mothers was hard emotionally, because I know her next move would be a nursing home and I pray that never happens, I pray she will live the rest of her days here with me and my sister, My sister has made a room for mother at her house so we can share the care of mother. I have caregivers still which I need, I work daily and weekends too, Real Estate you are on call 24/7 if you want to be succesful. Connie and Faye
will still help and April comes every weekend
then she will spend the night with Kay on Monday nights. All the new studies say keep Alzheimer's patients with their family, they are even looking into Medicare paying for that instead of nursing home, they say it is cheaper and the patient does so much better, they are happier and get sick less from the study…interesting. I know mother loves waking up to someone she knows and loves and loves her, also her mind is more stimulated with more people in the home, she adores the Grand Babies and always loves seeing them. I have kept a journal on this journey in hopes some day I can write a book, every day has a new twist and sometimes it is really hard to know what to do, the best advice I can give at this point is live in their world, not them live in yours, you make decisions what is best for them, such as a family gathering sounds wonderful until hey are scared because they do not know anyone, I am not sure but my sister and I both thought this would be our last Christmas to take mother to so many places, but never know she may be so much better she will say lets go!! This is a new adventure for Steve and I and we are looking forward to it, know its not always going to be easy but I do believe with all my heart it is the very best thing for mother
We have a big shower, last night was mother's first shower here, now she does not like showers they scare her, so you have to get the bath room about 100 degrees, in which I sweat like a fat pig, I was able to get in with her in my PJ’s and manage to stay dry but yet still help her shower, I always leave the door open, we did this shower about a year ago getting ready of her living with us, but she loves the rub down with lotion, I told her last night, tonight was my turn, she said Ok, but I just gave you a shower last week Its a new day in this Journey and I am praying this will be a time of peace and rest and security for mother, knowing she is with her family all the time, and how much she is loved.
It feel s a burden lifted off my shoulders, no more keeping up two house holds, that was getting old, going to the store once, only doing one yard, cleaning one house it will save mother a lot of money too
Care givers will still be about the same, I have her room set for in later times when needed I can put a recliner in there for the care giver or a twin bed, trying to stay one step ahead of the game as Lou Holtz book says do…so far so good. Change is never easy, there are many fears with change so this has been hard on my sister and I, so keep us in your prayers……hugs and hope this helps anyone else going through this in your life….
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