Steve and I got up and hit the ground cleaning, we cleaned everything, washed sheets, wiped down base boards and trim, waxed hardwoods after cleaning them, vacuumed the furniture, cleaned kitchen, stove, fridge, just did it all, everything is spotless…….I always think when I see a little hand print and I wipe it up or Windex the glass, can’t wait for them to come back and make new hand prints Then got my bath and fixed Suppa Toscana, my friend gave me the recipe, April came over when Kay picked up mother for the Smith Christmas.
We ate, the soup had too much red pepper. But we ate some and had salad and bread, tea….it was good and we enjoyed our time with April. We then opened presents
we had a sweet family time, it is hard to believe, but April will be 21 the 29th.! April has been God’s gift to Steve and I, she is as sweet as she is pretty.
This year we did things different for Christmas for us, we went to Louisiana Dec. 3rd, then had the Averitt ( Steve’s brother and sisters and kids ) on the 10th, then Steve had surgery on the 12th., we had our Children Christmas on the 23rd., kept it with just us, called my brother today to wish him Merry Christmas and had told Kay my sister Merry Christmas, we had a house full, then today had just April here, with the house back in order and some hot soup
but have had a wonderful family fun filled Christmas! One thing we did that I have never done is go to the Christmas Eve Service at Journey Church, where we go, my son Alex is the Pastor.
it was such a blessing to began Dec. 25th with songs of worship……just a blessing! I did have to take a nap to stay up that late and went in my flannel PJ’s and house shoes, but wore my new coat
Its has been a blessed week, mother is home form the Smith’s Christmas and wore out, already in bed. I think this will be the last year we can haul her around to all the Christmas gatherings, she loves them but it totally wears her out and her gait is not what it was, I am wondering if she will not need a cane for support soon
All the Christmas goodies have her tummy messed up, plus the strong antibiotic so say a prayer for her please. I pray over her home and as we go to sleep over her mind, I pray God will slow this disease down so I can have her with me longer, know it is selfish but that is how I pray. Mother is happy and loves doing things, she is just getting weaker in her legs and back. I have to remind my self to live in her world not her in my world.
I love her so much and love the time I am having with her, I will always treasure the moments when she is normal and we talk, that are far and very few between, the other night she had gone to the bath room, got back in the bed and reach over and kissed my cheek twice and said, I love you Linda
Nite Nite……like when I was at home
Its been a good day!
We have always taken the week after Christmas for vacation, last year we went to Branson, but like I said we changed some things this year, with Steve having surgery we decided to just stay home, we may go to the condo or visit Hannah if Steve feels like it, if not I am still enjoying my tree my clean house and my hubby……I love having my time with him, he is my sweetie! So for tonight it is staying here, working and having more family time
Would still love to see my BFF Ann and Derol May
they live in Hot Springs so we will go see them for sure
Love the Holiday’s to see so many I never get to see. I have enjoyed every minute of this time, did shopping in October when I closed a big deal, first time ever having it all done that soon, to my disadvantage I did give Olivia and Blake their presents early, I could not wait, that is why I do not buy early!
Nite Nite……kisses
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