Amelia's frist work of art:)
Max came over when we got home and just hugged us and told us how he missed us:) he then proceeded to help daddygrand take down Christmas lights, Steve had him up on the ladder:(((( until I yelled, MAX get off the ladder! He really is a big help to us, to be so young, he can do a lot and will work and work, he just loves his daddygrand. He spent the night, this morning when he got up he wanted breakfast, I said, do you want a daddygrand breakfast or a Nana breakfast, mine is a one eyed monster, he said a Nana breakfast but a two eyed monster, so we cut two holes in the bread and made a two eyed monster, now if you do not remember the post on those it is a piece of bread fried in butter with a hole cut in it, the you put your egg in the hole and it cooks:) Very good!
I thought I would let you see my fireplace this am, it is crackling and popping, the lighting is a little ruff, I had my blinds open, but to lazy to get up and shut them and redo the pic! I need a fireplace:) or should I say want???? Thought you would get a kick out of that! The coffee mugs are what miss Amelia made us for Christmas, I love them!! Just think when she is older and can see her little hand:) By the time she is five or six I hope she can spend the night:))) tee hee, Alex nor Jill get far from her:)
Today I am going to the office and get all in order for my week, I need to do my nails and get clothes ready for the week, it is always better for me to be organized and have things lined up ready to go! It is cold here but a sunny day, it is going to be a good day, Hogs play in Liberty bowl tonight, looking forward to watching it:) hugs to all and to all make it a great day!!
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