Friday, August 5, 2016

August 2016.......Hot and Humid, where has this year gone?

It is so hard to believe this is August!  Last post was May, a lot has happened since then, Steve has had a hip replacement surgery, Knee replacement and Rotator cup surgery, he still needs every bit of the on other side of his body. But he has had all he can take for this year. It is hard to understand how his body can be so broke down where his bones are involved. He is a trooper and keeps on going, but it has been a ruff year for him.  I have had some lung issues, my parents smoked in the home and when I wake up I sound like a smoker, I had gotten real sick and they found another nodule on my lungs, for some reason I am aspirating back into my lungs so I am in the process of going through test for that. parents do not smoke around your children, here are pics of my lungs and I have never smoked.  This is my lungs, never smoked, just breathed 2nd hand smoke.
 Healthy Lung xray
 Side view, all the white is stria marks.....not a good thing in your lungs

Really has made me not feel very good, but you just keep on keeping on. Right when I was better, we went to Van Buren to keep the McGill Babies, The day we left which was this last Saturday we had just got home and Olivia fell on the trampoline and broker her femur

She was brought to ACH by Ambulance, she was in excruciating pain, very traumatic for her to get it set, it almost made me faint to watch her go through that. She had surgery Sunday and home Monday, they left my home today to go back to Van Buren I remember when my nephew had broken his, he had a external fixater,  we so prayed she would not have to have that, and she did not, plate and screws, will be removed after six months.  She is doing so much better, but keep them in your prayers.  We went with Alicia and Bob to Orange Beach, where Daniel Williams ask Alexandria to marry him!

Such a sweet time, I am so thankful they included us in that special time. We love Daniel! As of now June 2017.  Our sweet Anna Averitt has lived with us since March, it has been different having a teen  in our home, she is fun and loves the Lord, pray for her, her desire is to live in her own home and have her own bedroom:)   Her plan was to live with Sean, he had found a home but it failed the inspection, now he has gotten very sick and needs your prayers, he needs surgery asap, trying to get insurance so he can get it. As of today he can not work, just taking one day at a time. Sean lives with Jimmy Jr. my nephew who lost both his legs, they are a hoot together, but both are ready to have their on homes and be well. Anna just needs to be kept in your prayers, she as come a long way in these few months.
But still needs some answered prayers. We have enjoyed her but desire her to be with her parents. I am very strick she says:)  For the next few weeks I will need to focus on the court case with my sister so I will be ready to explain any question's she has for me, we go to court August 24. It breaks my heart to even think we are in this mess. there is a song that keeps coming to my mind, Even if the healing doesn't come, and life falls a part, and dreams still undone, Your are God, You are Good, Forever faithful one, Even if the healing doesn't come. I have been praying for here on this earth to have my sister and her family back in my families life, to let all hurt and pain and miss trust go, but with this song so heavy on my heart, I am not sure it will happen this side of Heaven. I sure desire it to. We should do a disposition soon before the court, so please pray for both of us. Neither of our health is up to par right now, So I pray neither of us get sick from all the stress of it.  I love my sister and her family and I believe she loves mine, we have just deeply hurt each other. Where there are many words there is division:( SO please keep Kay and I in  your prayers.
Be glad when this is over though, the truth will be told and hope she will see it and understand it along with her family. My sweet mother
would be so upset if she knew all that has been said and that this was happening ,  Life will go on, I just pray with resolve. I sure do miss her sweet face!  Real estate is busy,
God is blessing my business even with all that is going on! I thank Him for it. Jared and Jenn and the girls moved to Oklahoma City in June:( near Alex and Jill and their girls, April and Seth leave in the morning to move to Iowa to be near his family, Seth got a job there, he had lost his job here, I have strong mixed feeling on that move, but they are married and grown and all I can do us pray for God to bring them to what is the hope of their calling in Christ Jesus my Lord. I am just praying against getting a migraine from all the stress. I have 36 listings which mean I have a lot of bosses who are not concerned about my home life but need their homes and land sold, so its put on a happy face and do what I was created to do and that is sell Real Estate, which I do love. I have to keep focused on my career, if I can not work I do not get paid:)  I think this brings you up to date on my family, Alicia and Bob will have two at ASU this year,
leaves Jack at home, Sean is good but sick, he has Cole a lot and Anna, but his desire is to find something he  can do in a line of work that he will physically be able to maintain in. So pray for him too.  All in all we are a very blessed family and very thankful family. Just doing life together with God in charge!

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2016, hard to believe...GRIEF

I just can not believe how the time has flown by, my Father past away Nov.10th 1973, Walt my step father past away May 3rd, 2010, which began some very changing times in my life, I became the primary care giver to my mother, who was in a battle with Alzheimer's. My life changed as I knew it. My mother then past away in Sept. of 2012.  It is just hard to believe 6 years have gone by since Walt's death.  So many things have happened in these past six years.  I am ever so grateful for all my wonderful memories, they far out weigh the hard ones.

I read this on grief, best way to describe grief, it is like a wave and comes when you least expect it.  I wanted to share it with you, in hopes if your grieving, you too can find hope and healing to keep moving forward.  Time will never heal the void but it does get easier.  All is going well with me and my family, always trails and problems to work through but we also get through them one day at a time  with God's grace.  Hugs to all

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Feburary Blog

I have not been very good at blogging, you have to have the right mind frame, although I usually just write what comes to my mind:) January ended better, Steve had knee replacement surgery three weeks ago today, he is doing great, he has lost weight
and that has made it easier on him. Stress wise I am much better, still have a problem sometimes with my throat, but much better. WHY?

Because I have truly let go of things, when my babies have a problem I listen but do not fix it, when I do not think I can do it, I say no, that sounds simple but I can pulled into more things, on my own doing. This morning I have some time to be home and pray and reflect, which I am thankful for.  My Alexandria leaves for Spain today, will be home July 7th. at 6:30pm.:) We went last night to Jonesboro to watch her dance as a previous title holder of Miss ASU, she is just so talented!
 She is excited about her study there, we are trusting God in all this with her, it will be hard and we will for sure miss her. All my grands are such a blessing, today is Cole's Seventh birthday!
They just grow up way to fast!

Steve and I are doing well, ready for a beach trip for our Anniversary 44 years! Still in love, we do enjoy each other, that helps:) Speaking of marriage, we still go to marriage seminars and get counsel when needed, you have to work everyday at your marriage for it to last and be forgiving of each other's faults.

Today is also the day my sweet Tiffany Menize went to Heaven, sure do miss her, and her voice and her smile. Keep her mom, Connie and children Gavin and Menzie and Mawmaw in your prayers, it is a hard day. Talked to Connie this morning and prayed for her.

The Real Estate market is busy here, putting in some long hours, ready for a snow day, well maybe! Reports
state this will be a major year for real estate, so I am ready! Guess I need to get to work but wanted to blog a bit, all is well in our household, I pray it is in yours! By the way all is well does not mean we are always happy, stress free, pain free, BUT we know it is well with our soul because we know who owns our soul!! Hugs

Monday, January 4, 2016

WOW 2016!

As I work on my goals and hearing the Lord on what He desires for my life I am astonished at the fact I tried to set goals without even thinking of praying for His wisdom and guidance!  I pray all the time, but I was shown how I also run out on my own all the time.  A good reminder to seek God in everything I do.

Well I was at a standstill in doing my 2016 goals, when in the shower yesterday I realized why, I had my thoughts but forgot to get God's plans for 2016:) The Bible is very clear, He knows the plans for me, so with me being with Him today I am now working on and setting my goals for 2016, it is amazing how I can forget HE IS IN CONTROL! I will have spiritual, physical, family and work goals for 2016, then I will send them to my accountable partners. I believe 2016 will be a year of Jubilee for me! Jeremiah 29:11 My 2016 Verse Love 7-14! The year of Peace and Reconciliation

I love having quiet home and peaceful presence of the Lord nudging me to come to Him and find His will for me, I am not a religious person but a very dependent person on Jesus, I do not like rules and honestly feel they are to be broken, because there is always grace,  BUT some RULES remain no matter what I think, I have learned that the hard way several times in 2015.

Last year, funny to call it that:0 was a hard year for me, I had started it our in 2014 of December with some real problems, that problem turned out to be a very positive thing in my life and helped me change for the better.  It was a year of real stress, I had heart problems, had knots so bad in my neck that my throat felt like I had strep throat, even my aorta vein was stressed, I had gone to ENT knowing I had a major throat problem, after going to my Primary care physician and he not knowing what was wrong after a lot of test, the ENT said , it was stress....I said you mean to tell me my throat is raw from stress, he said your throat is not raw but you have your neck so tight it is affecting you as if it were raw, also the lump in my Thyroid was stress, which made me not be able to breath or swallow right. My low heart rate and blood pressure was stress, you would think it would of been high, but no, way too low, which takes all your energy away. Plus my back was out and I had hemorrhoids, which I had not had since giving birth, they are a real pain in the you know where.  I have been to see more  Drs. in 2015 then any year of my life.  I was so mad, I had tried to give everything to the Lord and know He is in control but my body still held onto the stress.   

This was a major wake up call for me, I could not live this way, at church that Sunday God had Pastor Kevin pray over us, I got on my knees and was fighting back that ugly cry, BUT Pastor Kevin kept praying until God could break through my pride, it was one long ugly cry but it felt so good to let it all out and leave it with the Lord.  Pride gets in the way of everything. God gives grace to the humble.

You know as a mother of Six, with all having spouses and 14 living Grand's, Steve had major hip surgery and will have knee replacement this Jan. 20th. My lawsuit with my sister, whom I miss and love dearly, many other battles last year, I had come to the place of thinking I may not make it through all this, BUT God knew me and He knew what it took to bring me to a place of brokenness.  This has been a year of tears for me, which are cleansing.

2016 starts out broken but in a good way, I still have the same battles, although some have been resolved, still have six children and the grand's  and one less spouse, Sean and Sarah will be divorced tomorrow. My mawmaw told me that you can only do what you can do, if you can not do anything about something then let it go, there is nothing you can do but pray and that is what I pray I hang onto for the rest of my life, Mawmaw has been through a lot and she is strong in her faith and a strong woman, I am praying I let it go....I was told if my name is not in the first three words then it is not my problem.  I am the type person who likes to please and have peace with everyone but that is not always possible and I have to learn to live in the midst of this world.  This year I am praying I will be sensitive of when to act or just pray:)

I am excited about my work, I have some direction for it, I am working my business on referrals, so if you know of anyone ,any where in the WORLD moving please give them my phone number or have me call them!!  Business is good, and should be a good 2016. For the first time ever I am not in the top five of our company, which stings, I am number six, been in real estate since 1986 and a member of the Million Dollar club and now called the Awards of Excellence for 20 straight years, I am learning, which is hard for me, I do not have to be at the top, I just need to be where God has me:) I am so proud of Alicia she in number two and made the highest level award this year in Real Estate!

In my family I am letting each solve their own problems, and I am here for listening and prayer and unconditional love:)

In my marriage, I am married to my best friend and we will work on our marriage daily.

In my church, I will ask God where to give of my self and my time and money, pray for my Pastor.

In my physical, I am eating healthier and getting the rest of my weight off this year,  being more physically active:)

I am giving it all to the Lord and I know He will fight my battles for me, and that I can trust him with all HIS children!  So hello 2016!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Blogging Break

Just bring you up to date, this has been a good year, just flew by! I can not believe it is December 1st 2015!
I see the pics on Face Book of nieces and nephews, growing up way to fast. Alexandria will go as a exchange student to Spain, yes Spain this new year, Victoria is going to Costa Rica with Journey Church in February on a mission trip, Jack is a teen now! Alicia has had her best year in Real Estate, I am so very proud of her, Bob has stepped up to the plate to fill in as mom and dad sometimes:)

They are a beautiful family.  Sean is going through a divorce, which we dread, but seems to be the way it will be, Cole is so cute and so sweet, he is so easy to keep, very sweet little boy, Sarah and Sean have done great in raising him and keeping their differences between them. Anna is 15, absolute beautiful,

Cole lost first tooth
I have seen her a lot this year, Sean moved in with us to help with Steve having surgery, he has since moved in with Jimmy Jr., but he usually is here when he has the children on his weekends. Alex and his family moved to Oklahoma City Oklahoma, so I lost my Pastor and son to a Sooner State. They have a beautiful home and have adjusted very well, he has preached at the church they have joined, would not surprise me to see him Pastor a church there, they go to a church that has a lot of out reach to the homeless, really a neat church and wonderful Pastor who Alex has as a friend now. Jill and the girls have adjusted too, she just hosted a friends giving in her home:)
Hannah is still in Van Buren, they will be country folk for the rest of their days, can not even fathom her living in the city again, they are doing great, Mark is a Post Master,
Max and Alexandria

 Mark and Hannah
Max has play foot ball and has a girlfriend:)) He is growing up was to fast, spitting image of Mark. Jared is still next door which I love, their girls are doing great, Jenn stays busy with them and the school.
April and Seth have been married fro a year, he is going to welding school and working, she is still at the Baptist hospital, no babies yet or anytime soon they say:) They just got notice to move, their land lord sold their rental, so for a few weeks till they find something they will be at his Nanny and Pops.
My Lovie dog is two years old and such a part of mine and Steve's heart!!

Real Estate has been good this year, our market is rebounding, Steve is getting more involved, we are enjoying working together.  We have had some real blows with him having hip replacement surgery
and will have knee replacement surgery in 2015, right now we are trying to just eat healthy and get some weight off and get in better shape. I have had a lot of stress this year, that has made me physically sick, which really aggravated me, to think stress can do so many things to the body is crazy!

I was surprised by Connie and Larry bringing mama to Fairfield Bay in November, I had the best time with them, learned to play Rook, and loved it!
I think we went in every little nook and cranny to shop and look around:) This is a hard time of year for them, Roy past last year this time and Tiffany past in Feb. last year, they are hanging in there, my mawmaw can run circles around most of us! 

We had a family fun filled Thanksgiving, we went to Alicia's and watch ball games, talked and ate:) then went to the movie Creed, it was good. I took all my fall things down and put up Christmas, this was the first day I got home form work early and just sat and enjoyed the tree and watched The voice, it felt good. It's colder so it feels like Christmas is in the air, my favorite time of the year.
Our company party is this week end in Eureka Springs, looking forward to that. Their Christmas parade is Friday night so I bet it will be neat, such a neat town! Then McKimmey party is Saturday for dinner, the McKimmey's go all out in their home, called the WHITE HOUSE in Eureka.  Then its back to go to Fairfield Bay for a dinner on Wednesday with the Golfer's Steve plays with, they are all so nice and I enjoy them. I love Fairfield Bay, just a step back in town.  Then Steve's family Christmas the 12th., my children' and family Christmas the 19th., so busy till then then it slows down, for Steve and I, hope to visit Derol and Ann May during that time:) We will have a family time after Christmas, still in the planning then ringing the New Year in with Steve's Sister Patsy and her husband Donald, and my BFF Sherry Maxwell. Excited what next year will bring.  Praying for the resolve between the Smith's and I, we are still at odd's. I love my sister and her family and miss them, but a hard year of missing my mother this year too.
My brother is doing well, had some scares to his health this year but he and Erma are doing great!


I am thankful for being closer to Jimmy Jr
and his son and Sherri and her family, these are my brother's children.
  God brings different people in and out of our lives, and I love them all.  I pray you find time this Christmas season to love and enjoy the people in your life, make time to see those who can not get out, go to them, life is so fragile, as I get older I realize how quick it passes and we are not promised tomorrow or know what it hold, instead of this is the first day of the rest of your life, live as this is the last day of your life, then you will make sure all know you love them:)) Hope to blog more during this Christmas Season!!
Almost went red but still gray!

Alicia made me this and I loved it

This Christmas Season I pray you can leave a little sparkle every where you go, love to all!

Monday, July 13, 2015

My passion, my heart, my family

So much has happened since February. Not sure where to start:) There are times in the last few months I was not sure I would survive, but have, God is always faithful to us.  There have been some family issues that have broke my heart and kept me in prayer and fasting, God is answering these prayers, Jimmy Jr, My nephew live with us he came almost dead and is now living on his own, still has to have health care but is much better, I felt like The Lord said bring him in my home and He would help me care for him, I knew first hand how hard it is to do that, since mother had lived with me.  Jimmy was much easier because he had his mind and could care somewhat fur him self. Jimmy has rheumatoid arthritis and type two diabetes, he is stable now still in wheel chair but working toward walking again.  I had major dental work done and survived it, will go back the 27th, Dr Lane gives me two pills to take and I do not remember nothing...perfect for me!
Steve had hip replacement surgery and is doing well, its been 12 days and its just now getting better:) He still will have to have a complete knee replacement as soon as he can. so its a slow summer for him and it is for sure a hot one:)  I am so ready to go to the beach I can't stand it!! Alex and Jill moved to Oklahoma City, its a beautiful home with a pool, I love it, hope to go see them again in August, I miss them and Hannah and her family, not one for not having my babies close.

Our Passion is what keeps us going, and my passion is my husband and children, in loves and grand's, they make my life.  My brother and I are close and enjoy each other, I lost my sister and her family three years ago when I lost my mother. I love them dearly and miss mother all the time. Can't wait for Heavenm so our hurts we have done to each other will be resolved. I love Connie my mother's sister and miss her real bad, I know she is hurting in the loss of Tiffany and that makes my heart for her, once Steve can travel we will see her, he loves her as I do.  Miss my Mawmaw too, talk often but need their hugs.

Work is busy and it makes it hard since Steve has been so sick, Anna and Cole stayed with him, Cole fixed his lunch:)  I love having them here but it sure feels good to just sit here and be quiet:) Got four listings and wrote three offers last week:)) Thank people brought dinner to help.  It goes with out saying that The Lord is my life and hope and next breath I breath, He is my passion and I am thankful for all He has given me!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Day

It has been awhile since I blogged, I have started then quit, started again then erased it, I write for me, so I would just share my thoughts then think, ooops do not need to say all that and erase it. So just gonna catch up on the past month.  January has came and went, was a tuff month, colder then normal here, I did go to court and I think that went well. It was still very hurtful.  Got a email today, my attorney has been sick and is just now sending everything to Clay's is still hard to believe we have to do this through attorney's, but it is a protection for me. It could not be done just between Kay and I, it got misstated and misunderstood, so they should  have the paper work, financials, real estate transactions, taxes from when Walt past away, 30 days to review it, decided if I committed fraud and sue me. One thing for sure, they can  rave about how well I cared for mother, so if it is not about the money as Kay states and mother is past, what is it about? Kay has stated she will put me in jail and is sorry to my child for doing that:( I have nothing to hide and they have it all so they should figure all that out. Then I pray we can somehow have the family back together again, just not sure how, but all things are possible with God.  This is why I probably do not need to blog for awhile.  I try to deal with it and the hurt but it is hard, we have really hurt each other. I would give anything had it been different. Maybe some day she can forgive me and so can Clay, I have forgiven them the best I know, that our family's forgive each other,  just ready for it to be over. On a positive note! God came through for my niece Ashlee,
she only lost one leg from the knee down and she is doing great! She thinks that leg was killing her, she could not eat, walk , was so sick.  Now she is up and going! So happy for her. Then we had another tragic death in the Simons family,
"Tiffany in blue, her son beside her daughter beside me"
my niece Tiffany took her life, this is my mother's sister Connie's daughter, I am very close to Connie, she is like a sister to me, my heart broke for her and for Tiffany's children.  Maw maw lost Roy in December then her grand daughter in February, I worry about her, she is one of the strongest woman I know.
"my Maw Maw"
Steve and I immediately went to Baton Rouge and stayed a few days. Aunt Mildred and Sharon came, Aunt Mildred really looked like mother, totally threw me a curve ball at first:(

 My heart still hurts in all this.  This was a real blow and will take time for Connie and the children to over come this, but they will over come, they are survivors! Maw maw has left that legacy to us all! 

We had our Awards Banquet last Saturday, it was Denim and Diamonds Theme.

  We had a good time, but home by 10:00.  This was the first year since 2002 for me not to plan our pre and after party for our company,  or help with the banquet, it was always a big undertaking, so it was nice just showing up.  Beverly Carter's family was there,
they are such a wonderful family, she did good with her boys:)  We will always mourn her death and change the way we do Real Estate.  

Now it is snowing again, and 23 degrees so we are snowed in for today and tomorrow it looks like, schools shut down, sales meeting called off, office closed, streets are unsafe to drive on, they have about a inch of ice then snow.

Made fudge for snow day

Peanut Butter fudge:)
but I am cool with that, been working from home, just can't show property yet.  My friend gave me some little shirts for Lovie

 This one is with Alex and Jill's girl, Amelia and Sydney and Lovie walking:)
 Lovie loves them, she gets cold, so she loves to wear them, so funny! All is well here with the kids,  Hannah's family is fine, they have a new baby goat. April and Seth are doing great, they love their home and being married. Jared and his family are good, I need to get the girls and build a snow man, just 23 degrees outside keeps me inside:( Alex and his family are good, he is a very anointed preacher, I do not know how he does all he does but he does:) Sean and his family are good, they are still trying to find a home to buy in Carlisle, we saw one yesterday that may work. Alicia and her family is good, she stays busy with work and babies, Alexandria is in her second year of college hard to believe!
I cooked for her friends and her, today I made peanut butter fudge and chocolate fudge with pecans....SNOW DAYS!!!!  I did get Valentine up and Easter out:)
  Love decorating for Holidays!  I hope it is warm Easter, nothing I would like more then to plan Easter at Burns Park Pavilion. Will have to watch the weather:)

 Journey Church is growing, we have had a lot of new people coming, I totally love it so no doubt God will bring people in and make us share it with others:)))

Well going to work on Real Estate and call seller's and buyers to stir up business, it will sun shine soon...I hope.  Keep our family in your prayers, now to enjoy the snow and movies, I can not fathom the people in Boston with eight feet or more of snow.....I am thankful for a little snow:))) Hugs and stay in if your getting snow and enjoy your time to chill!