I so wanted to go to the condo this afternoon for the weekend but worked till late, and tomorrow have work and work on Sunday, so grateful for such a good month, hopeful for our fall market:) Steve has pushed himself about as hard as he can, he went to bed at 7pm tonight:) I did the last two nights before it was dark, and slept all night:)
To catch you up on babies, Alicia is working her tail off and got her babies back in school, Alexandria is a SENIOR:( Sean is hanging in there having the weekend with his babies:) Alex has been out of state with his job but his girls are good, Hannah is getting into her fall routine, Jared is working o hard will be out of state this next week:( all his girls are good too:) April I guess is doing ok, have not talked to her this week but last time I did she had a lot of thoughts going on as far as her future, I miss her, matter of fact I miss them all when I am this busy, but its about all I can do to work and care for mother and Steve at this point:) I never go to bed with a messy kitchen but have two nights straight, plus just leave things where I take them off, my shoes where in Steve's office when I was looking for them, its not always this busy so you just have to be grateful and thank the Lord:) so thankful I am!! Plus bet I take a real good vacation when I get all these loans closed! Like Belize....oh my! Would love to spend a week there and dive some! It was beautiful when we ere there in port on a cruise we took. right now I would settle for the pool at Fairfield Bay:) hugs and night