Really???? 2013????? where has the year gone? I love that I do a blog because I can go back to last year at this time and see what I did:) Home for the night, loved sleeping in my own bed, I and Steve have a cold, UGH! Taking all sorts of antihistamines, cough syrup, which I almost throw up when I take a swig of it:( We are showing property this am, then meeting Hannah and Mark ( without the babies) and Sherry, Donald and Pat and some other friends of ours, normally on New Year's we just stay home, sometimes babysit, but not this year, I had told Steve get ready to rumble after the 15th of December, that I had made plans to go, go, go....and we have. Guess I was thinking to keep my self involved with family and friends and it would help endure the loss of mother this year, it has. As you know we went to Louisiana, then had family Christmas at my home, then to Branson, now to Mississippi, one thing since we do not feel to good we can live on love and room service if need be:) doing nothing but what we desire to do, we will have a suite and it connects to the adjoining room, like we had for April's birthday, so we can all hang out and watch movies, cough, hack, blow our noses and play games:) Sherry has a cold, Hannah and Mark have a cold, not sure on Pat and Donald, they may not want to be around us:) We have a New Year's Eve dinner to go to, Steve is playing golf with Pat and Donald, I am not going to do that, it is just too too cold for me. Plan on ringing in the New Year with a slow dance with my sweetie and a long good night kiss! Then slowing down my social life and focusing on work, not that I have not been working, remember I can work from where ever I am with a lap top, scanner, fax and phone:) With the record snow fall here, the Real Estate market has been real slow, But I will be in the office to get files in order, have several in closing, hope to write a offer today:) I am showing a home that I think would make me want to move too, its on 2.5 acres and rustic, big living areas:) so I hope my buyer buys it so I will not think on it! I do not plan on moving any time soon! Waiting on Jenn and Jared to pull that trigger, then I will probably move too, our homes are next door to each other, so I would have to have a neighbor I love or I might not like it so much, the homes are the only two side by side, perfect for family, we bought this home when Hannah lived there, then when she moved Jared bought her home, I love it cause I have my babies right next door, plus if there is a need we have someone to help, as we get older that is more often then not:(( The other thing Steve loves riding his John Deere and mows all our grass:) April has moved in, and settled, I know it will be hard on her missing the Harris family, pray for her that she will gain some insight in what to do with her life as a profession, be able to adjust to living back at home, never easy at 22, that we adjust too:) Well its off with the old and in with the new, so be thinking on what you will do in 2013 that will make your life what you want it to be, it is up to you and the power of prayer, If God be for us who can be against us!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Christmas in Branson
We left the 24th to go to Branson, we rented a cabin, it was a four bedroom, four bath, 3000 sq. ft, with a huge screened in porch, had two family rooms, which was great, it was iceberg cold in Branson! But only snowed one night and nothing stuck on streets which was great, because we were on top of a mountain, and would of for sure been stuck!
This was it in the dark:) Steve and I got there the 24th, then Hannah and Alicia and their families came the 25th, then Sean and his family came the 27th. We played games, ate, I cooked so much food, we had a Honey baked Ham for Christmas lunch, with all the trimmings, then a Brisket, Larry cooked for us in LA, with all the trimmings, then Sarah did duck breast, I made fudge for Alicia:) made cookies for all, loved cooking, the kitchen and family room were together:)
Something that is very important to Steve and I is closeness of our family, we make it a priority to have times when who ever can be with us come and have family time, it will keep the cousins close, give them fond memories and it keeps brother's and sister's close and all the spouses close, we love, hug, laugh, pray, cry if needed and play, eat for sure:) get frustrated at all the noise, get by our selves when need be, lay all piled up in the bed together, but most of all take time out to be friends, family and know how much we love each other. Life is always so busy with work, and hectic schedules we do not take the time daily or weekly, so it is a priority to provide this time for our children, who ever can, comes, who can't come is really missed, next family vacation time is in August, as far as I know:) In Florida. If things slow down enough for me I will do family lunch on one Sunday every two months or so, just have to play it by ear:) Last night there it snow and we went to the Dixie Stampede,
This was it in the dark:) Steve and I got there the 24th, then Hannah and Alicia and their families came the 25th, then Sean and his family came the 27th. We played games, ate, I cooked so much food, we had a Honey baked Ham for Christmas lunch, with all the trimmings, then a Brisket, Larry cooked for us in LA, with all the trimmings, then Sarah did duck breast, I made fudge for Alicia:) made cookies for all, loved cooking, the kitchen and family room were together:)
Two of the bedrooms had big jacuzzi tubs, so all took advantage of those, I think all four girls at one time:) we were going to Zip line but it was so cold we decided to wait, guess I will do that with Connie:) We just had a good ole family time, cousins played so good together,

I love our Christmas gift to our children, we enjoyed it immensely!
Today Miss April is 22 years young:) She has shopped till she dropped, we are on our way home and she is fast asleep! I dread unloading the car :( Tomorrow we go to Mississippi with Hannah and Mark, meeting my friend Sherry and Steve's sister Pat and husband Donald to spend New Year's with them and some other friends. Before I do I am showing property in the am:) Then on Jan. 2nd gotta get it in Real Estate, I have not even set my goals for 2013, did make the ones I had for 2012:) except I did not get Christmas cards out by the 5th., I always send calendars and they did not come in till the 23rd, NOT GOOD! But I will send them out in January! Now for some snooze time while my sweetie drives me home! Love to all and to all a wonderful 2013!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Averitt/Rogers Christmas 2012
Christmas Averitt/Rogers
As I have been anticipating this family time, I knew I would miss mother, and I did, but this was such a wonderful day, it started with Journey Church with all my babies except Sean and Sarah and Cole and Anna. Alex had preached on the coming of Christ, it has kept me focused on the inportane of this time of year:) God has so blessed my end of year in Real Estate, I am so so thankful for all He has done for me and my family. After church we went to Carino's,
had to sit at three different tables, but it all worked out perfect, then home to get ready for our family Christmas, this am was little hetic getting all nine of us baths and getting to church on time, yes, I was late:) but it worked out fine casue they started late:) So the girls, Victoria and Alexandria came back with me, got it all back to normal, put Baby Luke and April down for a nap, April has to work all night tonight, then the family began coming about 2:30ish, we had such a fun time, the kids laughed, reminisce on childhood memories, the grand babies loved playing with each other, we draw names between the children, so they get their gift from daddygrand and I, the person who drew their names, I had them all sit down and tell me what this time of year was all about, I am so proud to say they all know and understand its about the birth of Jesus and we give gifts to celebrate His birth, just as the wise men did:) They sang some Christmas carols, so cute, all my grand babies can be actors and actresses, they are animated, and will sing, dance, in public, I love it, they sounded so good too!! Most of all I am thankful they have parents who instill in them the importance of Christmas as we did them:) My brother and his wife Erma, their grand daughter Brie came, I love it when they can come too!!
My sister came by for awhile, they had the Smith family Christmas this evening.
Hannah got me these foot shoes you wear as you prop your feet up, you heat them in microwave and then put them on your feet, they feel so so so good!!
Steve and I got the house back straight, and he is sitting asleep in his chair:) I am waiting ot hear the news then off to bed, I have appointment for Real Estate in and and then we are off to Branson for a Branson Christmas Vacation, I am so ready for that!! It will be such fun family time, we will celebrate April turning 22 at Joe's crab shack!! Miss April did move in yesterday, she has her closet ready and room still looks like mother but I am sure she will add her touch to it! I sure miss my mama, but know she is a part of everything from Heaven:) Just wish I could hug on her one more time, Kay had a video of her last year holding her snowman, saying Merry Christmas to all! I loved it, but sure do miss her.
Guess what????/ It is suppose to snow on Christmas, so I got the kids all sleds, I sure hope it does ! I am hoping it does in Branson! One year we got snowed in there, for another week, so much fun:) Guess we will just have to see what happens! Well its the ending of 2012, its been a hard year, put my Cali dog to sleep, she is the little back weenie dog, 18 years old, the other is Dually McGill my grand dog:) he is good. Then mother's brother past away with cancer, then mother passed away in Sept., but God has been faithful to pick me up and set my feet firmly in Him, I have been so blessed with so much worked, Steve and I as you know worked night and day Oct., November, so busy in December, I never got my Christmas cards out:((( but I do have my yearly calendars, I will get them out asap! If you do not receive one and want one, let me know, I will get it to you! Ready for bed, will be waiting on snow.......Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Baby its gotta get cold outside for some snow:) Hugs and good night, Merry Christmas to you and to all a good night!
My Grand Babies, so blessed, thank you Lord!
Friday, December 21, 2012
UGH!! No pics of Mawmaw!

Connie and I
Closed two loans today and have three more to close before years end:)) April moves home Saturday, which is tomorrow:) then we have Averitt/Rogers Christmas Sunday and then Monday off to Branson, promise to take pics, I need Santa to bring me a new camera!!! Guess I better start being a good girl. Still driving home then I am off and running! Merry Christmas to all!!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Happy Birthday April Rebecca!!!
My little April and her best friends since fourth grade had a Birthday weekend, decided on planning a night for them at the Casino, I thought if they were going to go I had rather them all go with me!
I knew right off this may make for a long night, started with about 20 pounds of crab legs, for real twenty or more:)
Next stop was to check out the slot machines, they did not last long on these, Molly was the big winner with her twenty dollars, she won 154.00 dollars! They learned real quick, the casino wins the money:0
They had a great Country and Western Band, they sang Happy Birthday to Miss April, matter of fact the girls had the whole place watching them! I know that caught you by surprise!
Big TV!

This is my NO, NO, NO having to put up the stop signs! This is for the men who wanted to dance with my ladies:)
We actually did dance on the dance floor, I even made it through two straight dances, Johnny Be Good and Blue Suede Shoes, but we brought the house down with Margarita Ville! Then the girls called the HOGS:) It was a safe place to have fun, we had a great time, finally at one am, got them some food to take to room and they watched a movie till four am!
Could not take pics of their bath and bed room, because the girls had ALL their things every where, but the room was so nice!
As soon as we got to the room, I talked a bit and was so ready for bed! They all had sandwiches, breakfast foods, fruit, etc., ate again! I normally go to bed early, usually do not dance all night:) I do love to dance, sing, and we did all that will I was wore out:) Did not want to leave my beauties in the Casino without me:)
I was out! I loved hearing the giggles, memories, fun stories, and laugh, laugh, laugh at us all!
I realize, some my wonder why in the world would I go there with my daughter, its how I roll, How I rolled with all my babies, I will go where they go, have fun with them, be there for them, I had rather be with them! We all had a blast, Miss April will be 22 December 29th! Much rather her be dancing with me and her BFF'S any day of the week! Now I think I am be ready for some Zumba that Brooke is about to start teaching! Our family has many memories with these ladies in them! I am so very proud of these girls, they have come along way, but remain close friends with each other!
Happy Birthday April!! I love you! Mother
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Not as good as I once was........
This morning woke up and had all this on my mind, I am not as good as I once was, but good once as I ever was, now I know the song is talking about other things, but I am reflecting on my life as a young bride, young mother and now. I always have kept a clean home, when you come in, it is inviting and orderly and clean, a place for everything. BUT if you go to my closet or get in my pots and pans, kitchen drawers they are not in any order and if put in order I will get them out of order in time.
Thought on how when I was young I could have the house totally clean and done by 8:30am, the children all had their chores to help, now it is easier to keep clean but takes me more time, I can do part one day, part the next, but my home is still inviting and clean. I always have my floors clean in case one of my grand babies is crawling, have my windows clean because if they are clean the whole house looks clean:) BUT the drawers, closets, pots and pans were still in clutter.
In 1976 God saved me, I was asleep and He spoke to me, at the time I had so much going on, a mother of three, ready for divorce, very troubled inside, out side looked good but internally was a train wreck. I got up from my sleep and got our Family Bible mother had given us.
This was the beginning of a whole new life for me, God began to clean the clutter in my life up, so my inside could be in order. This past three years when I began a twelve step program, that I thought was for drug addicts, God began a work in me, my outside looked good on the outside, thought I had worked on the inside, but the Lord began to show me clutter that I did not need on the inside, bitterness, resentments, hurt, habits and hang ups, as I worked through the 12 steps the Lord was able to declutter my heart:) This morning I was thinking of all this and realized in the natural this has happened too, my closets are in shape, (for me) my drawers are good, nothing falls out of the cabinets when I open them, I use to say open at your own risk.:) So in saying all this it is to let you know God is faithful to continue the good work He has started in you, I am thankful He does not leave us cluttered, even though it is painful to look at a lot of things that have cause hurt, but He is faithful to heal and allow forgiveness to us so we can give it to others. Forgiveness is a whole nother story:)
Someone ask me a year or so ago if I had forgiven a situation in my life, I said yes, he said I do not think you have, because if you have then you will never hold it against them, and they are totally released,you would be around them and be ok, at one time I would of said that is right, but I have learned in life that I do forgive but have set boundaries up not to be in that situation again, with that said, here is what I mean, If you let me keep your child or grand child, and when you picked them up you noticed that their bottom was totally bruised, you ask me about it, I said, well I had to spank them all day long to obey me, I was breaking their will. Would you forgive me? Would you let me keep your child again? This actually happened to me when Sean was little, 2 years old:( AT the time I was such a victim that I did nothing, today would be a different story! Did I forgive, yes, did they ever keep hm again, NO.............not because of unforgivness but because I drew a line in what I believed was best for my child and family, had nothing to do with forgiveness. So that is my stand on I got here from where I started I do not know, just free writing:)
I never want to have unforgiveness in my life because I have learned it only hurts me. Plus I have been forgiven so much, how could I not forgive? But by the Grace of God I go.
To get back to I am not as good as I once was, I cannot do it all like I use to, takes me longer, barley can do it sometimes, but it is much easier without all the clutter in my life! I have heard what you see it in the natural, it is in the spiritual too, I believe that......just look at your life, see what God is doing in you and you will find traces of that in your life! For we walk by the spirit laying aside these fleshly desires we have, in which one day we will realize the only thing important thing in this eternal life is what we do in the Spirit of God, those things will have value, I am not there yet, I still get caught up in today, worrying, striving, fearing being nervous, saying here I am God trying to trust, help me to know and trust in all you have for me today! God has ALWAYS been faithful, not always in ways I have liked but He has always come though for me, since that very day I gave him my messed up cluttered life. Hugs!
One other thing, It bugs me when spell check my word is not a word:) I like my words, now my spelling is a whole new story!!
Thought on how when I was young I could have the house totally clean and done by 8:30am, the children all had their chores to help, now it is easier to keep clean but takes me more time, I can do part one day, part the next, but my home is still inviting and clean. I always have my floors clean in case one of my grand babies is crawling, have my windows clean because if they are clean the whole house looks clean:) BUT the drawers, closets, pots and pans were still in clutter.
In 1976 God saved me, I was asleep and He spoke to me, at the time I had so much going on, a mother of three, ready for divorce, very troubled inside, out side looked good but internally was a train wreck. I got up from my sleep and got our Family Bible mother had given us.
This was the beginning of a whole new life for me, God began to clean the clutter in my life up, so my inside could be in order. This past three years when I began a twelve step program, that I thought was for drug addicts, God began a work in me, my outside looked good on the outside, thought I had worked on the inside, but the Lord began to show me clutter that I did not need on the inside, bitterness, resentments, hurt, habits and hang ups, as I worked through the 12 steps the Lord was able to declutter my heart:) This morning I was thinking of all this and realized in the natural this has happened too, my closets are in shape, (for me) my drawers are good, nothing falls out of the cabinets when I open them, I use to say open at your own risk.:) So in saying all this it is to let you know God is faithful to continue the good work He has started in you, I am thankful He does not leave us cluttered, even though it is painful to look at a lot of things that have cause hurt, but He is faithful to heal and allow forgiveness to us so we can give it to others. Forgiveness is a whole nother story:)
Someone ask me a year or so ago if I had forgiven a situation in my life, I said yes, he said I do not think you have, because if you have then you will never hold it against them, and they are totally released,you would be around them and be ok, at one time I would of said that is right, but I have learned in life that I do forgive but have set boundaries up not to be in that situation again, with that said, here is what I mean, If you let me keep your child or grand child, and when you picked them up you noticed that their bottom was totally bruised, you ask me about it, I said, well I had to spank them all day long to obey me, I was breaking their will. Would you forgive me? Would you let me keep your child again? This actually happened to me when Sean was little, 2 years old:( AT the time I was such a victim that I did nothing, today would be a different story! Did I forgive, yes, did they ever keep hm again, NO.............not because of unforgivness but because I drew a line in what I believed was best for my child and family, had nothing to do with forgiveness. So that is my stand on I got here from where I started I do not know, just free writing:)
I never want to have unforgiveness in my life because I have learned it only hurts me. Plus I have been forgiven so much, how could I not forgive? But by the Grace of God I go.
To get back to I am not as good as I once was, I cannot do it all like I use to, takes me longer, barley can do it sometimes, but it is much easier without all the clutter in my life! I have heard what you see it in the natural, it is in the spiritual too, I believe that......just look at your life, see what God is doing in you and you will find traces of that in your life! For we walk by the spirit laying aside these fleshly desires we have, in which one day we will realize the only thing important thing in this eternal life is what we do in the Spirit of God, those things will have value, I am not there yet, I still get caught up in today, worrying, striving, fearing being nervous, saying here I am God trying to trust, help me to know and trust in all you have for me today! God has ALWAYS been faithful, not always in ways I have liked but He has always come though for me, since that very day I gave him my messed up cluttered life. Hugs!
One other thing, It bugs me when spell check my word is not a word:) I like my words, now my spelling is a whole new story!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Fun ending to my day!
Well today was fast and furious, had sales meeting, our last one of the year, had 100 offers and 26 listings in the company:) Next week is our Christmas party/brunch. Then got most of my work done, misplaced earnest money check so pray I find it tomorrow:) Then what I had waited to do all week, come to Jill and Alex's to baby sit the girls, such fun! They are right on schedule, Amelia told me she wanted pasta for dinner and she would help cook it:) She did! Sydney had her baby food ugh! peas, spinach and pears......she loved it:) then we had play time, then baths, Sydney gets hers in the sink so I do not bend over the tub:) Amelia got hers in tub with blue water ( bath color deals) and then played some more, Amelia had a Nativity book, you do each night, so tonight was on Joseph, we read about him and she put him in the manger scene, then bottle and rocking, snuggling time with Sydney, she went to sleep, fussed a little but not much, then went to bed with Amelia rubbed her face and she was out:)
You would think I would be tired, but I love the feeling I get when I do this, it reminds me of when mine were little, it is just a mothering feeling I cannot describe, I just know it is full filling to this Nana:) Not that I can do it full time, for sure love my life right now with Steve, but enjoy this part of it too:)
You would think I would be tired, but I love the feeling I get when I do this, it reminds me of when mine were little, it is just a mothering feeling I cannot describe, I just know it is full filling to this Nana:) Not that I can do it full time, for sure love my life right now with Steve, but enjoy this part of it too:)
I am very concerned for my sister Kay, she had a heart attack a month ago and had two stints put in, she now has blood in her urine and her Kidney Dr. suspects he has a bleeding tumor in her Kidney, she does a CT scan and more test this Thursday, always scares me, Jimmy had kidney cancer, at one time they told me I did, turned out it was a cyst, and we watch it, last report I am all good to go, so I am praying for Kay, I do not know how much more she can endure at this time, with the loss of mother, a heart attack, and now this, so please pray with me for her complete healing. She said she was not depressed, just wants to be able to do what she loves this time of year and does not feel well enough to do it:( Today Steve and I went to Cracker Barrel to eat lunch before coming to Jill's, there was a mother, grandmother and daughter, the daughter and mother was on each side of the grand mother, and the sweet grand mother could barley walk, I got the door for them, tuned up started crying, I wanted so bad to take the grandmothers arm and help, watched them put her in the car, they had forgot her walker and you could tell she was exhausted, I said enjoy her while you can, I remember taking mother out last Christmas, then was all tuned up trying not to cry when Steve walks out, he says What is wrong??? I can not even tell him tyring not to cry, finally get in the car and can tell him, I just really missed mother right then, never know when something triggers a sweet memory:) I sure do miss her but sure know she is so much better off. I took memory test tonight , I always wonder could I have Alzheimer's, half the time I cannot remember things, but then it is usually when I have so many different things going, well I was glad to know I scored real high on my memory:)) made me feel much better, it was a neat test too. Well best get to sleep in case miss Sydney decides to wake early...............hugs and nite
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