Today has been a difficult day for me emotionally. I do not have them often, I normally deal with my self with the Lord in prayer. Today I had one of those days, had time reading and praying this am, then thought of making a pumpkin cake for mother, plus I love the smell. By the way the cake was a flop, its hard to cry and bake
it has the consistently of pumpkin pie
but it did smell good baking or should I say cooking. Had some work to do did that, went to store and then just sort of cried off and on the rest of the day. Talked to Steve, but I just needed someone to listen not fix it or tell me things about it, so that went over like a lead balloon, he tried, it was just me. My dear friend's daddy is in hospital and had broke his hip, he did good in surgery but had a bad night and day today, waiting on CT scan results, his name is Gene Beasley,
my mother met Luella when Kay was little, so we all grew up together and have remained friends for over fifty years:) Then I had Susan Averitt and Cameron on my mind,
Cameron is my niece's daughter who past away when she was five, then just had so many emotions, I have kept pushed down about mother come up, I am really struggling with her going down hill so fast, I have no ideal how I will do with her living with me, not sure I am ready but do not think I can keep doing what I do now either, so keep me, mother and Kay in your prayers, Kay is sick, she is fighting depression about mother too, and upset over Gene, but most of all she is sick with a cold/flu not sure what. So its just been one of those days, that the Lord reminded me that I had what I need for today and do not take thought of tomorrow for it is not here yet, when it is His grace will be here for it.
I just do not like being so emotional, I do not cry a lot, but want to deal with my emotions, so have off and on all day:) Having faith tomorrow will be a better day
Plus a more upbeat blog
hugs and night
Monday, September 26, 2011
Blah Monday
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
At the hospital and loving it:)
Never thought I would like spending the night in a hospital, but tonight I have a special room mate he is feeling much better tonight, we hope to go home tomorrow. This is Luke, he is my youngest grandbaby, he will be five months old. I came tonight and could not wait to get here and hold and play with him
I have held him most of the afternoon, he felt lousy when I first got here, cried when you moved him, the nurse tonight gave him some Tylenol and I can tell it helped
Tomorrow the Dr. will be in and we will know the MRI results, they suspect he my have hydrocephalus, which is fluid on the brain, which will require surgery, so we are praying for a miracle
As you know in my last post, I was not able to just come immediately, I guess I should say, had Hannah not been able to handle it, we would of come, but God was really faithful to her, and she had His peace
SO I finished out my work commitments and came this afternoon, they have gone home.Hannah and Mark have not had probably more then two hours straight sleep since last Friday. She was exhausted and ready for some help, she would not leave the hospital, so I am glad she left with Mark and went home. As far as work, I have two new listings I got today
I am working on a big apt. deal that would be my list and sell, Pray with me on that one, I need it to happen
I am still planning on moving mother to my home in October, I have peace about it, as I said before it will be a major change for us all, but I know I need to do what is best for mother, and I think will be best for me
I guess I use a lot of emotions when blogging. Steve had Blake and Olivia at the house, they came Sunday, and went to Mother’s Day out today and will for the week, then if all goes well, Hannah and Mark will be home and they will go back home the end of the week. So thankful we can help, I am so blessed to have a job I love and flexible hours, I can actually work from anywhere, matter of fact the nurse gave me her name and number to help her find a home here in FT. Smith, which I will refer her to a Realtor here, but be there to help her if she has any questions. Keep baby Luke in your prayers, praying for a normal MRI
hugs and night
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Heavy Heart
It has been a hard day for me, I really miss Mama/ Roy and Connie. I worked Friday then came to Fairfield Bay hoping for a little down time, but being here has been busy, had open house on our condo and a condo I have listed here. Need them both sold:) My sister's son Clay and his wife Mary Lee had someone break in their home and rob them, which is such a feeling of vulnerability, and makes me mad that someone would do that.
Then Hannah called and Baby Luke is sick, he was admitted to hospital in Ft. Smith, they think he may have viral meningitis, and checking him for other things, so that worries me, he has a large head,
so they are checking to make sure all is ok with that. Most our babies have big heads:) Than a little girl I have been praying for is near death at Children's Hospital, her name is Maddie, she has cancer:( with all that, I have just cried and prayed......I know God has all this, but it is real hard not to be with Hannah and her family and stay here and work:( April was going there today to babysit so Hannah and Mark could go to the Hogs game,
so God had already made provisions for her some help, Hannah is calm and doing good, probably better then me:) but I have resolved that my place is here for now. I am coming home in the am and going to church, April is bringing Blake and Olivia home, so we will have them till Thursday, Hannah was to come Thursday to bring Luke for Dr. visit and Mark has Dr. visit, so hope they will all come then. I am checking to see if they can go to Mother’s Day out, they love it
Max had met a friend and he will spend the night with him tomorrow night and go to school, Hannah has meet the parents and they live close to them:) That will help since Luke will be in hospital a few days. I have appointments on Monday, but can go there if need to after that:) Just needing some prayer time to refocus:) God is faithful to take care of us all:)
hugs and night
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I am not getting any better at blogging, seems worse Maybe things will slow down so I can take the time I like to, blog
Work has been busy, matter of fact if you are wondering where to invest your money it is in Real Estate, you will get far more for your dollar! Especially in rentals, then put it with our Rental company and let them do all the work for you
For real this is where I see many investor's taking advantage of this market.
Now back to my other life, Mama/Roy and Connie are here, I have spent as much time as I can with them, love them so much, Connie is hanging in there with the death of her husband, God has so taken care of Mama with Roy and Roy with Mama Mama meet Roy at a Drs. office waiting room
He should have been a Simmons cause he just fits right in, they will be married four years this Thursday! Connie had a frozen shoulder form having a rotator cuff tear, now she can move her arm, she went to a guy here that knows how to fix it with one visit of therapy, he is a Mst. Massage Therapist and sports related injury, he is amazing
Connie could not even lift the right arm above her chest, and look at her now! Mama and mother, mother loves having them here, mother is much worse with her Alzheimer's, I do plan on moving her in with Steve and I, it is just time to do that, not sure what all that entails for Steve and I but we know God will give us the grace we need, the hardest part is seeing your mother not be able to know what she wants to say, or not know where to go, in her own home to the bath room, or not even know she is in her own home, maybe being here will make it a little easier, it is hard keeping up with her household and ours. I have not worked it all out in my mind yet, may be like I tell my agents, this is something you have to do to learn how to do it and what to do, each day is different
The kids have come by to visit and mother has enjoyed seeing them all, we went to church Sunday, Alex of course impressed the family
he is a good speaker/preacher and his msg. was on the home
April surprised us with her self
then we all went to Red Lobster for lunch. Tonight Alex and Jill and Miss Amelia are coming for dinner then tomorrow Connie goes back for one more session with therapist and we go out to eat with Jimmy and Erma, maybe to a movie so see The Help. Have a lot on my plate right now, work is busy in which I like, and going have to rearrange my home, having a huge sale in October
I have open house this Sunday in Fairfield Bay
so will go there
Friday after work, have Saturday to look at camp sites all around so I will know what I like in case I go camping
I do think I will like it. Then work, work, work! Speaking of work and company I best go and get ready to do just that……hugs, I hope you have a blessed day!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Fun week
Last week was a good week, had some offers and listings go well Mother is doing ok, I am so excited about mama and Connie coming this Saturday, I can not wait. We went to the lake for the Labor Day weekend, had the camper and camped out two nights then Hannah and Mark and their family stayed in it and we went to the condo
we had a fun time, Sean and Anna came and The McGill’s, went out on lake and the kids tubed and rode the hot dog, just chilled
I sure miss my McGill babies,not sure how I would cope if they all moved off far away
On the camping deal, I am such a people person, always busy that it is hard for me to be still, now Steve can do this quiet well, he would love in the woods, but I really see from being in the quietness of the woods/lake how important it is to rest my mind, it is so clear now and not stressed. We will take mother camping
I wished I had her this weekend, except I woke up Monday so sick with a Migraine and nausea real bad, stayed yucky all am but felt better in the afternoon but weak form headache, not had that in a while. I have ladies group tonight and we are taking the Lord’s super as a group, should be a sweet time
then more work
Miss Amelia is spending the night with me too!! I cannot wait for that, exciting things going on at Journey Church right now, we will have a fall festival Oct. 31st.!! Well best go and get done what I have to do today…hugs and loving this cooler weather!