January 2010...............as usual January is a slower month in real estate and 2010 was no different, Steve had major back surgery Jan. 12th, in which really helped him to survive the awful pain he stays in. My Boss Byron McKimmey under went surgery for Prostrate cancer, which he is doing great now, I realized how sick Walt and mother were,
totally took over their finances and began paying things for them, cooked and cared for them the best I could and Walt would allow, Mother weighed about 90 pounds and Walt had lost weight, mother is holding Cole in this pic. We were going to have to do something legal to step in and take care of them, Kay and I were heart broken any and every time we left their home, they just could not take care of them self but thought they could. Made plans to move them closer to Kay and I in NLR.
February 2010..this was a major month for me, I was the Chairwomen of our Awards of Excellence banquet, which meant I was to talk in front of a 500-600 people, I chaired the meeting, I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tine roof, but pulled it off with God's grace, I have been stretched more this year in speaking before large groups and I like it but still get nervous.
March brought with it a busy real estate market,which was a blessing. In caring for Walt and mother, I had gone with Walt to the bank to figure out his finances and look in his safety deposit box at the bank, he went over with me what he could remember of his finances, which he could not remember much and mother could not remember nothing, this is so out of my field, Kay and I met with and attorney to get custody of mother she was 84 pounds but Walt felt he was totally able to care for her,he did the best he could, they did not eat well,slept all day, stayed up all night......I watched my mother totally change in so many areas of her life, especially her house keeping, she and Walt were hoarders at this point......something had to change or they both would be dead from malnutrition. Took mother for a physical, Walt would not go:((((( This is such a hard disease to watch progress in your loved ones, Walt had dementia but knew what was going on today and he was the boss! Stayed busy at work and with family. Hannah and Marked moved to Van Burenremember they had lived next door
this is their new home, Jared and Jenn moved next door
Alicia and Bob and Steve and I went to PCB Florida for our 38th year anniversary, a much need break, we had the best time:) Right after we got home, mother called on May 3rd and told me she thought Walt was dead, he was on the bed room floor, mother was upset, but told me he had no pulse, now in the past she has thought this, when he was asleep in his chair, but this time when she said he was cold and had no pulse, I knew he may really be dead, I was at work and left immediately to get to her, I called 911 and they had got there before me, I stayed on the phone with mother to tell her to let them in, I will never forget how scared and confused she was, it broke my heart..when I got there, Walt was dead and had been for about six hours, they thought he had a heart attack, my sweet 84 pound mother was so confused and lost feeling, all I knew is she needed loved and protected and help to feel secure, it took all day for medical people, police to be in and out of the house, we had to stay there, it is a crime scene until the police give a ruling on it, then you wait for the funeral home......a horrible experience, even though all ER personnel were so nice, I called mother's sister Connie
to come now, I was trying to hold it all together and knew I was losing it, Connie is strong and can hold it together and tell me what to do., she was there ASAP and stayed with us, I basically moved in at mother's with Steve. Before Walt passed they had looked into buying my son's home near me, so I kept with that plan. I waited till June to move mother, knowing it will bring more confusion, but could not keep the house she was in, needed to much upkeep and to big for her. Kay totally made her new home beautiful,
she has such a talent for decorating.
Mother went to Connie's in LA and we moved her, had her home totally ready for her to come home to, mother and Mamaw ( Mamaw is mother’s step mother ) and Roy
and Connie came back with her and stayed a week:) When we went through the safety deposit box I realized I was POA over everything, this was ok but I would not wish it on my worst enemy.......there is so much responsibility, seems like everyone had their input, which was hurtful at times, I was and I am determined NEVER to let money destroy my close family, you see that happen all the time, and not on my watch was that going to happen, in that and I want to do my very best for mother, in looking back I question my self on so many things, such as her house, we had carpets cleaned, vents cleaned, just to be in it for so long, the smoke was to much for me to be there, now I wondered did I just waste that money, because once we moved her out the carpets were so smoked stained they were no good, we had a estate sale and that for sure took a toil on the carpets....but I decided I am doing the best I know how and am not looking back:) I was going to move mother in with me, but knew after living with her six weeks, I could not do that, I hired care givers, which has worked out great, her move has worked out great! When things seem to settle down, April decided to move out and do her thing,
this was a hard time for me and has been due to all the circumstances, but I have survived it and it is better now, seems like if we can just hang on to God's promises and hope we do survive:) I started a group at church which has been a big help to me in coping and dealing with problems. In Aug. we took our family vacation to PCB Florida which was so much fun,
then back to work as usual, Hannah did get pregnant while there, so we have a new McGill on the way,
its always fun to go with my children on vacation, this year Mark's mother went and I enjoyed being with her:)
It has been a year I have grieved over the loss of friends, I realize I am getting to the age where people will being going home and I have to let them go, always hard to do:(
In October Steve and I went on a cruise,I enjoyed it more then Steve, he had rather just stay in a port, ships are not his thing, since the Navy:) but we had a great time! For the first time in our 38 year marriage we live alone and we are liking that, its fun to just be together, do not get me wrong I still like to fight when needed:))) but I love the making up too:) This year my real estate production was lower then it has been in a while, it is hard to be in sales when you have so many hills to climb in your personal life, mother has been my main focus, it has depressed me and sometimes just feels like I am losing her daily, I have read on Alzheimer's to prepare my self but just not mentally ready to go there, BUT know I will have to go there......ugh! I love my sister so much but worry about her as she worries about me:)) Kay has some heart problems that scare me, although this year she has done better, she and Colin remarried, I was so excited to see God's redeeming love in their life, that have dated since 9th grade, he is like my brother:)
December has been a wonderful month for me, I gave my self a break, just did what I love, that is being a mother,
a Nana,
a daughter,
a friend
me and sherry,
Derol and Ann May
Pam Richey, Edwanda Ware, Dinah Lawson, a sister
and wife and Realtor
the market has been slow, so I have got to totally enjoy my family and fun times of get get together and church party's! Now looking to 2011, I am working on my personal goals and business goals, this year I met my personal goals,
lost 130 pounds
which took three years, I fell short of business goals, but with everything changing so much in my life I gave my self a break!!!!!
All in all this has been a ruff year but God has been faithful to give me fresh grace and mercy every morning!!!! I realize I will not do it all perfect in 2011, I will make mistakes, but my goal is to strive to be obedient to the Lord and walk the path He has set before me, to make the best decisions I know for mother in her care, the best decisions as a mother and wife and walk in integrity in all my business dealings in Real Estate, to make this a year of knowing my priorities, to always keep God first and for most in my life and to life my life to glorify Him in all I do:)) when I do not do that to make amends with God and anyone I have hurt................so as you can see, I will need need all of God's grace in my life and the neat thing is He gives it to me daily!!! hugs and off to 2011~