Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Mcgills are here:)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Company coming to town!
Mother seeing Aunt Mildred
Thursday, May 27, 2010
This to will pass
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A mother's heart
taking a sabbatical
Monday, May 24, 2010
linda lou averitt afternoon:)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Working day
petunias basket
Friday, May 21, 2010
Restful Friday
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday evening and home:)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday praying about change of plans:)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A new tomorrow:)
Today is a new tomorrow, I have a new mind set and felt your prayers. I am figuring what I can and can not do and what is best for mother and me. I also got a break and that was a major help:) Tomorrow Judy will be here at 9:00am and I will be at work:) I have a listing appointment at 11:00. Friday at work Barry ask me about my files and said we did not have copies of my offers, in which I know I am to have a main file on nay real estate I do, real estate law, I wrote so many offers at once and when I was in Florida I was behind, I just started crying which is not me, of course Barry just started saying it is ok, not to worry, BUT I know the law too and knew I had to get it done or hire it done, so today I got them all turned in:)) it felt so good:) I enjoyed the mental break from mother and back into real estate! I have some ideals of what I need to do to best help mother and me, it feels peaceful and I am ready for some peace! Walt obviously trusted me to make the correct and best decisions for mother and he has left me some large shoes to fill as POA, I find myself thinking would Walt be ok with this or that and I think he would be proud of me and mother:) Mother has had a better day, she got her hair styled today and cut, it looks so good, and her nails and toe nails done, they are light light pink, when we got there she said she did not want to do her toes but I reminded she had to have her toe nails cut, so she did, she really enjoyed the pampering:) I will take her pic tomorrow, she is looking like my mother again, still gaining weight:) While she got her nails done I went to Kroger's and got food for the month:) some good good food too, like pinto beans, great northern beans, chicken, pork chops to grill out, sweet potatoes and baked potatoes, lots of different ingredients to make several different dinners, I love to cook and I will have the care taker fix mother's breakfast and lunch but I will do dinner or Steve will as much as we can:) After doing her nails we, me, mother, April went to red lobster, I ate good:) too good:)
Tomorrow I need to go to Verizon and get me a new cell phone and turn Walt's off, they have had two cell phones for the past three years and never used them:( As you can tell I am much better and I feel your prayers, so keep praying for us to settle into a new life style, for me to remember what is important:) and not be afraid to make the right decision for mother, which has to be the right decision for me too:) Not feeling so alone in all this today, it helps to have friends and a wonderful to get mother to bed:) hugs and nite!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday barley hanging on today
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Full Saturday!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Fun day!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Lord help, April teaching mother her bad habits!
Mother had her PJ’S on for the night and miss April decided she wanted Baskin Robins ice cream, soooooo off they went, I told mother to sit in the car, but oh no, I knew she wouldn’t:) so she and April trotted in Baskin Robin’s in their PJ”S in West Little Rock, which is uppity, and it was full of people:) It is fun to see mother not be so reserve and just be spontaneous, she has never been spontaneous, she always had to plan. Not sure where me and Sean and Hannah and Alicia get it…but we are spontaneous and happy go lucky. Mother is getting like that:) Today she spent the day with Kay, I think they had fun, I worked and Kay took her to do some errors and lunch, mother enjoyed going to Kay’s house this morning. You would think she would be wore out but oh no, she has more energy then nay of us. I said mother its going to be bed time soon, she said well we cannot go to bed this early………..she stays up late….I go to bed early, good thing April is a night owl!! Tomorrow we have a Drs. Appointment at 8:15am, so she will need to be up early…….but that does not seem to matter tonight:) Tomorrow we do not have anything else to do, thank the Lord! The carpets and furniture got cleaned today, and the draperies…I did not know it would shrink them but it did a little, when I wash the shears maybe they will shrink too! It still does not look bad, just do not hit the floor, Kay for sure noticed it being the decorator she is:) But as Aunt Otis use to say , no one will tell us about it!! At least they are clean! Got a loan closed and a surprise pay check today on a referral:) I love pay days, this will be a good month…thank the Lord!! I need to sell some homes, the market has slowed down after the tax credit but they are predicting a good summer market! Well best run… to talk mother into going to bed:)) hugs and nite!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday…….making it
Tomorrow Connie leaves in early am, I am going to really miss her, she has been my rock, my sounding board, my friend, my confident, I love her so much, she has also been all this for mother. I am ready for her to come back and she has not even left yet:))) Today has been a ok day, mother has cried off and on. But she has done well, she and Connie walked today and mother loved that. My sister in law Judy came over today to visit and let mother get use to her, mother liked her and enjoyed her, Judy has allergies and asthma so not sure how she can do it with the smoke, we will just have to see. April wants to help with her care so that will be nice. We are staying at mother’s this week, I miss my house, but know for now we need to be here till mother settles down. Not sure what the next day holds but know God is in control:))) Not much more to share…….I will have to think on something to blog on! Its been a good day:) hugs and nite!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Fast packed Monday
I think I see a light at the end of this tunnel......we will see if it is a train or a real light as the next two weeks progress:) Hugs and nite
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother’s Birthday and family and slop jar
ok it was called a slop jar, and it looked like this BUT it was metal:) This went on Walt’s beside toilet. mother saw it sitting in the living room , we were cleaning everything out of the house, she came by it and looked at me in horror and said what is this doing here? I ask her what it was and she said well its the slop jar, we have got to get that thing out of here, I died laughing and moved it out, this pic was from a bedside toilet, Steve is going to keep the toilet so he can have it in the deer woods:)
This is mother’s brother Elmer and her sister Connie:)
Colin and Clay power washed the deck and Peggy Earnheart came and planted plants in mother’s planter, it looks so good:)
Kay and me and Connie
Mother’s room, we went through each room and totally cleaned it all out:) long hard day for sure, very emotional day for us all.
I dread Connie leaving wed. am, I will sure miss her. Mother will miss her, Connie has been with mother each night, it helped me be able to cope with all this, I get over whelmed and just lose my breath, then have a crying time, then realize I am the saved not the savior and it will all work out. Today when I was driving to get mother and Connie I drove past where Steve’s sister Judy lives, and realized she is the perfect care giver for mother, she is retired from nursing and had been sitting with a lady, she needed a job, she will come over Tuesday while we are there and be there this week, I ask you to pray mother bonds with her and will not feel afraid. My life has changed as I know it, but I do not want to give up who I am or lose my passions in life for work and the things I enjoy, mother would not want that either, BUT I totally know I am responsible for mother, and I am thankful for Steve, his mother died when he was 23 and he loves my mother like I do:) Mother has gained 10 pounds since Monday!! She already looks better, there is no doubt she would of been dead her self, We had stepped in to do something on gaining custody of her about a month ago, ( remember I was moving them near me) we have seen in the past six months a major down hill slope with Walt and mother, I am thankful Walt did not suffer and that we can care for mother, Walt totally took care of her needs while he was alive and now when he is gone. Today we went to Alicia's for mother’s birthday and mother’s day which was a fun day, planned on going to church tonight but mother was tired and needed to go home, I went with her and Connie home then came home to my own bed and ready for it:)) Sry I have no pics of it, Jill took some so when she post, I will sang them:) hugs to all
Saturday, May 8, 2010
My Aunt Connie
We all have people in our life that mean so much to us, I have my Aunt Connie, as a child when we would go to Signal Mtn. Tenn. I always loved seeing and being around Connie, we are closer in age so I always just called her Connie, as I got older she would take me places with her, she was always fun and I loved her, I still love her, when mother called me Monday after finding Walt, Connie was one of the first people I called, she said do you need me to come and I said YES, as the day progressed with in 20-30 minutes, I called her crying and said when will you be here, she said by 11:00am the next day, she had to book a flight, she lives in Baton Rouge, La. Connie stopped her life to come asap to help me and mother, this is how Connie is, I know she had a full plate at home but her world stopped to come to be with her sister and be with me and Kay. If you know me very well, even in the midst of crises, if you ask me what can you do or do you need me, I would usually answer I am ok and I do not know what you can do, BUT its different with Connie, I knew I could not do this, I not only needed her but felt I HAD TO HAVE HER WITH ME. As the week progressed I thought several times a day, I am so thankful she came, how would I have made it without her, I dread her leaving but know she has a family to care for and has to go home. Connie always finds humor in life, she is full of joy in the midst of her on pain, Connie has wisdom and I needed it, several times she would say, NO, Linda that is not what you need to do, Let me tell you……she reminded me I was not super woman and needed help, she told me to call in people to clean and do the floors, I was trying to do it all, and it takes a melt down to know I can’t. Thursday night after the family had all left and the funeral was over, mother and my April had laid down for a rest, Steve had just left to go home, now I thought I was ok, but when I realized Steve had gone, and he kissed me bye but for some reason I did not know he was leaving right then, I started crying, went into the den and started picking up family albums, had a total met down, Connie was out front talking to her family on he phone, I had sorta got my self together, I thought and took a real estate call, my mind was so addled, I could not even think of what to tell a seller about an appraisal, the whole time we were talking tears were just flowing down my face. I hung up and totally lost it AGAIN, Connie came in the room and you know when your carrying and trying to talk but you can not quit crying???? that was where I was at. During the process of the week, we put things in mother’s laundry room, it became a catch all, I had walked in there to do something , I could not even walk around, I thought we have got to get all this back straight and it needed straight before we put things in it:) in telling Connie everything my focus was on I can not even get in the laundry room, just crying the whole time I am talking to her, not knowing how I would get though all this, I finally stopped crying with Connie there right with me , I had to get some paper work to a agent, that was immediate and I had it with me so no one could do it for me, I thought ok, this will get my mind better and went to my Little Rock office near mother’s, on the way talked to Steve and he was on his way back over, I got to the LR office it was quiet and I did my paper work then just had a crying time, went back to mother’s and Steve was already there, I needed him there, I needed his hugs and comfort. Connie had just tore into the laundry room, she had it in the process of being straight, I had to laugh, she has always been a hero to me and she still was:))) Mother woke up and we sat outside, we could see Connie working like a slave, Connie had said just give me the word, and its done, she did not want to throw anything away till we ask her to. Today Alicia and Hannah are coming over and we are doing Walt's room and getting things done that needs to be done. I truly do not know what I would do without my Connie, she is a very special unique person, she is confident and strong, not afraid to speak the truth but will tear up at the drop of a hat, she laughs all the time and makes me laugh. Connie has a cross to bear of her own but you would never know it, she is my Connie and everyone should have one in their life!! Connie if you read this I love you so much, thank you for being you to me!! One other word Connie gave me of advice when I was little, do not go to the out house during the night, use the slop jar till morning:) now for those who do not know what a slop jar, its a big white bucket with a lid, it was metal:) and YOU ONLY PEE in it if you have to go during the night:) When you wear white pants you do not wear pink panties:)) to this day when I wear white pants I have flesh tone panties or white:)) what a AUNT!! Thanks Connie for all you do for everyone, you are the rock for our family.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My Family
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Lot going on in my life